Biscuits Leclerc est une entreprise familiale forte de 119 ans d'expxc3xa9rience, de tradition et de savoir faire transmis par des gens de cxc5x93ur. Grxc3xa2ce xc3xa0 nos 1 900 collaborateurs rxc3xa9partis dans neuf usines au Canada et aux xc3x89tats Unis, nous…
Biscuits Leclerc est une entreprise familiale forte de 119 ans d'expxc3xa9rience, de tradition et de savoir faire transmis par des gens de cxc5x93ur. Grxc3xa2ce xc3xa0 nos 1 900 collaborateurs rxc3xa9partis dans neuf usines au Canada et aux xc3x89tats Unis, nous…
Leclerc is a family business with 119 years of experience, tradition and know how passed down from people with heart. Thanks to our 1,900 employees in nine plants in Canada and the United States, we are constantly innovating to exceed…
Leclerc is a family business with 119 years of experience, tradition and know how passed down from people with heart. Thanks to our 1,900 employees in nine plants in Canada and the United States, we are constantly innovating to exceed…
Biscuits Leclerc est une entreprise familiale forte de 116 ans d\'exp\xc3\xa9rience, de tradition et de savoir faire transmis par des gens de c\xc5\x93ur. Gr\xc3\xa2ce \xc3\xa0 nos 1 200 collaborateurs r\xc3\xa9partis dans neuf usines au Canada et aux \xc3\x89tats Unis, nous…
Leclerc is a family business with 117 years of experience, tradition and know how passed down from people with heart. Thanks to our 1,200 employees in eight plants in Canada and the United States, we are constantly innovating to exceed…
Leclerc is a family business with 117 years of experience, tradition and know how passed down from people with heart. Thanks to our 1,200 employees in eight plants in Canada and the United States, we are constantly innovating to exceed…
Leclerc is a family business with 118 years of experience, tradition and know how passed down from people with heart. Thanks to our 1,400 employees in nine plants in Canada and the United States, we are constantly innovating to exceed…
Leclerc is a family business with 117 years of experience, tradition and know how passed down from people with heart. Thanks to our 1,400 employees in nine plants in Canada and the United States, we are constantly innovating to exceed…
Biscuits Leclerc est une entreprise familiale forte de 118 ans d\'exp\xc3\xa9rience, de tradition et de savoir faire transmis par des gens de c\xc5\x93ur. Gr\xc3\xa2ce \xc3\xa0 nos 1 900 collaborateurs r\xc3\xa9partis dans neuf usines au Canada et aux \xc3\x89tats Unis, nous…