Government Affairs Internship

Montreal, QC, Canada

Job Description


Site Name: Canada - Ontario - Mississauga, Canada - Quebec - Montreal - Queen Street, Ste Foy
Posted Date: Apr 3 2023

  • Le texte anglais suivra la description de poste en fran\xc3\xa7ais
***The English text will follow the French job description. ** Seules les candidatures des personnes qui habitent actuellement au Canada et qui ont le droit l\xc3\xa9gal de travailler ici seront prises en consid\xc3\xa9ration.
  • Only candidates currently living in Canada, with the legal right to work here, will be considered.
** **Ce poste peut \xc3\xaatre situ\xc3\xa9 en Ontario et au Qu\xc3\xa9bec **This position can be located in Ontario and Qu\xc3\xa9bec

Il s\'agit d\'un contrat de stage d\'une dur\xc3\xa9e d\'un an

This is a 1-year internship contract

\xc3\x8ates-vous motiv\xc3\xa9.e par le d\xc3\xa9fi que repr\xc3\xa9sente un environnement en constante \xc3\xa9volution, riche de complexit\xc3\xa9 et de diversit\xc3\xa9? Avez-vous un esprit d\xc3\xa9quipe proactif et r\xc3\xa9silient anim\xc3\xa9 dambition et de courage? Si cest le cas, ce stage au sein de l\xc3\xa9quipe des Affaires gouvernementales pourrait \xc3\xaatre une excellente occasion de lancer votre carri\xc3\xa8re dans le domaine. Objectif du poste En tant que stagiaire, Partenariats strat\xc3\xa9giques et Affaires gouvernementales, vous travaillerez en collaboration avec l\xc3\xa9quipe des Affaires gouvernementales et l\xc3\xa9quipe interfonctionnelle pour aider \xc3\xa0 g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rer des id\xc3\xa9es novatrices et des solutions strat\xc3\xa9giques pour acc\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9rer le rendement, cr\xc3\xa9er un climat de confiance et mobiliser des partenariats pour fa\xc3\xa7onner les politiques et appuyer les solutions en mati\xc3\xa8re de soins de sant\xc3\xa9. D\xc3\xa9tails (vos responsabilit\xc3\xa9s) Ce poste VOUS donnera loccasion de diriger des activit\xc3\xa9s importantes, ce qui fera progresser VOTRE carri\xc3\xa8re. Le r\xc3\xb4le comprend les responsabilit\xc3\xa9s suivantes : La personne retenue doit avoir le sens de lurgence, du leadership et de linitiative pour :
  • Appuyer le directeur/la directrice et l\xc3\xa9quipe dans l\xc3\xa9laboration et la mise en \xc5\x93uvre de plans selon les payeurs publics ou priv\xc3\xa9s
  • Travailler avec l\xc3\xa9quipe pour am\xc3\xa9liorer continuellement l\xc3\xa9nonc\xc3\xa9 narratif pour susciter lengagement des payeurs et \xc3\xa9laborer des plans de contact et des documents
  • Aider \xc3\xa0 \xc3\xa9valuer les id\xc3\xa9es et les possibilit\xc3\xa9s de partenariat afin dassurer lharmonisation avec les priorit\xc3\xa9s des Affaires gouvernementales et les objectifs g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9raux de lentreprise
  • Coordonner la mobilisation de l\xc3\xa9quipe de leadership de lExploitation commerciale avec les parties prenantes externes
  • \xc3\x89tablir de solides relations interfonctionnelles internes afin de collaborer et dharmoniser le travail avec des groupes plus vastes, notamment les services Exploitation commerciale, Affaires m\xc3\xa9dicales, Communications, Acc\xc3\xa8s au march\xc3\xa9 et Tarification et Affaires patient
  • D\xc3\xa9terminer de mani\xc3\xa8re proactive les possibilit\xc3\xa9s de centralisation des processus au sein de l\xc3\xa9quipe et cr\xc3\xa9er des flux de travail pour am\xc3\xa9liorer lefficacit\xc3\xa9
  • Organiser et diriger les r\xc3\xa9unions d\xc3\xa9quipe hebdomadaires, y compris la gestion de lordre du jour et le suivi
  • Maintenir et assurer la gouvernance en mati\xc3\xa8re dengagement avec les repr\xc3\xa9sentant.e.s du gouvernement
Pourquoi vous? Comp\xc3\xa9tences de base Nous sommes \xc3\xa0 la recherche dun ou dune professionnel.le poss\xc3\xa9dant les comp\xc3\xa9tences requises ci-dessous pour atteindre nos objectifs :
  • Bilinguisme (fran\xc3\xa7ais et anglais)
  • La personne choisie doit avoir fait des \xc3\xa9tudes sup\xc3\xa9rieures dans le domaine du droit, des sciences politiques ou des politiques en mati\xc3\xa8re de sant\xc3\xa9
  • Excellentes aptitudes en communications interpersonnelles et en n\xc3\xa9gociation, et pouvoir de persuasion reconnu
  • Comp\xc3\xa9tences exceptionnelles en gestion de projets et en leadership au sein d\xc3\xa9quipes interfonctionnelles dans un environnement matriciel
  • Excellentes aptitudes en r\xc3\xa9daction et en communication orale, et ma\xc3\xaetrise des techniques de pr\xc3\xa9sentation
  • Connaissance approfondie des questions relatives aux soins de sant\xc3\xa9 et du secteur pharmaceutique/des sciences de la vie, un atout
  • Bonne connaissance du cadre des politiques provinciale et f\xc3\xa9d\xc3\xa9rale en mati\xc3\xa8re de m\xc3\xa9dicaments
  • Excellente r\xc3\xa9putation en mati\xc3\xa8re de r\xc3\xa9sultats obtenus dans un milieu dynamique et en constante \xc3\xa9volution
  • Aptitudes manifestes pour l\xc3\xa9laboration et lex\xc3\xa9cution de plans daction complets, novateurs et strat\xc3\xa9giques
  • Comp\xc3\xa9tences reconnues pour lex\xc3\xa9cution simultan\xc3\xa9e de diff\xc3\xa9rentes t\xc3\xa2ches pr\xc3\xa9sentant plusieurs probl\xc3\xa8mes complexes et pour mener \xc3\xa0 terme des projets compliqu\xc3\xa9s
  • Ce poste est ouvert aux candidat.e.s l\xc3\xa9galement autoris\xc3\xa9.e.s \xc3\xa0 travailler au Canada
Comp\xc3\xa9tences privil\xc3\xa9gi\xc3\xa9es Les caract\xc3\xa9ristiques suivantes sont un atout :
  • Ma\xc3\xaetrise dExcel et des outils danalyse
Pourquoi travailler chez GSK? Dici 2031, nous visons un chiffre daffaires annuel de plus de 33 milliards de livres. Les changements graduels que nous souhaitons apporter sur le plan du rendement et de la croissance entra\xc3\xaeneront des retomb\xc3\xa9es positives consid\xc3\xa9rables sur la sant\xc3\xa9 de milliards de patients dans le monde. Et nous envisageons notre avenir avec confiance. Depuis 2017, nous avons obtenu 13 approbations importantes. Nous avons plus que doubl\xc3\xa9 le nombre de nouveaux vaccins et de m\xc3\xa9dicaments en cours d\xc3\xa9tudes cliniques de phase III, qui s\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa8vent maintenant \xc3\xa0 23 au total. Nos produits en d\xc3\xa9veloppement, soit 21 vaccins et 43 m\xc3\xa9dicaments, pourraient sav\xc3\xa9rer \xc3\xaatre les meilleures options de traitement pour certains patients. En 2021, nous avons obtenu lapprobation de quatre produits importants : Cabenuva pour traiter le VIH, Jemperli contre le cancer de lendom\xc3\xa8tre, Xevudy contre la COVID-19 et Apretude, notre nouveau m\xc3\xa9dicament \xc3\xa0 action prolong\xc3\xa9e pour pr\xc3\xa9venir le VIH. La gamme de produits de GSK couvre trois grands secteurs, soit les vaccins, les m\xc3\xa9dicaments sp\xc3\xa9cialis\xc3\xa9s et les m\xc3\xa9dicaments g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9raux. Notre objectif est doffrir de meilleurs soins aux patients partout dans le monde, plus rapidement. Nous priorisons les investissements touchant les vaccins et les m\xc3\xa9dicaments sp\xc3\xa9cialis\xc3\xa9s, lesquels devraient repr\xc3\xa9senter environ les trois quarts de notre chiffre daffaires dici les cinq prochaines ann\xc3\xa9es. Notre gamme de vaccins in\xc3\xa9gal\xc3\xa9e cible les maladies infectieuses qui touchent les gens \xc3\xa0 toutes les \xc3\xa9tapes de leur vie et contribue \xc3\xa0 r\xc3\xa9duire le fardeau de la maladie pour des centaines de millions de personnes. GSK poss\xc3\xa8de des capacit\xc3\xa9s exceptionnelles dans le domaine de la science et des technologies des vaccins, y compris les vaccins avec adjuvant \xc3\xa0 base de prot\xc3\xa9ine recombinante et les vaccins \xc3\xa0 base dARNm. Dans le domaine des m\xc3\xa9dicaments sp\xc3\xa9cialis\xc3\xa9s, nous sommes pr\xc3\xa9sents en premi\xc3\xa8re ligne pour pr\xc3\xa9venir et traiter le VIH, et nous intensifions notre pr\xc3\xa9sence dans des champs th\xc3\xa9rapeutiques dimportance comme loncologie et limmuno-inflammation. Par m\xc3\xa9dicaments g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9raux, on entend nos m\xc3\xa9dicaments en inhalation contre lasthme et la MPOC, les antibiotiques et les traitements dermatologiques. Chaque jour, les m\xc3\xa9dicaments et les vaccins de GSK prot\xc3\xa8gent et am\xc3\xa9liorent la sant\xc3\xa9 et la vie de millions de personnes partout dans le monde. Pour de plus amples renseignements : Rapport annuel 2021 (en anglais) Produits en d\xc3\xa9veloppement (en anglais) Are you energized by the challenge of an ever-evolving environment, rich with complexity and diversity? Are you a proactive, resilient team player with ambition and courage? If so, this Internship role on the Government Affairs team could be an exciting opportunity to launch your career in government affairs. Job Purpose As the Government Affairs & Strategic Partnership Intern, you will work collaboratively with the Government Affairs team and the cross functional team to help generate innovative thinking and strategic solutions to accelerate performance, build trust and mobilize partnerships to shape policy and support health care solutions. Details (Your Responsibilities): This role will provide YOU the opportunity to lead key activities to progress YOUR career, these responsibilities include some of the following: Successful candidate must have a sense of urgency, leadership and self-starting initiative to:
  • Support the Director and team in developing and implementing the Public and Private payer plans
  • Work with the team to continually enhance the narrative for payer engagement and develop contact plans and materials
  • Help assess partnership ideas and opportunities to ensure alignment with Government Affairs priorities and overall enterprise objectives
  • Coordinate Commercial Leadership team engagement with external stakeholders
  • Build strong internal cross functional relationships to collaborate and align with the broader organizations, including Commercial, Medical, Communications, Market Access, Pricing and Patient Affairs
  • Proactively identify opportunities to centralize processes within the team and create workstreams to improve efficiency
  • Organize and lead weekly team meetings, including managing agenda and tracking
  • Maintain and ensure governance around engagement with government officials
Why you? Basic Qualifications: We are looking for professionals with these required skills to achieve our goals:
  • Bilingual (French and English) is a must have
  • Candidates should have graduate-level education in the field of law or political science or health policy
  • Outstanding interpersonal, communication, negotiation and influencing skills
  • Exceptional project management and leadership skills in a cross-functional matrix team environment
  • Outstanding technical written and verbal communication skills, as well as presentation skills
  • Broad knowledge of healthcare issues and the pharmaceutical / life science industry is an asset
  • Knowledge of Provincial & National drug policy framework
  • Strong track record of delivering results in a quick-changing and high-energy environment
  • Demonstrated ability to develop and execute comprehensive, innovative strategic action plans
  • Proven ability to multi-task across a wide range of complex issues, and to lead complex projects to completion
  • This position is open to applicants legally authorized to work in Canada
Preferred Qualifications If you have the following characteristics, it would be a plus:
  • Proficiency with Excel and analytics tools
Why GSK? By 2031, we aim to deliver more than \xc2\xa333 billion in annual sales - a step-change in performance and growth which will significantly increase the positive impact we can have on the health of billions of patients around the world. And were confident in our future. Since 2017, weve delivered 13 major approvals and more than doubled the number of potential new vaccines and medicines in Phase 3 and registration to 23. Our pipeline of 21 vaccines and 43 medicines includes many with potential to be first or best-in-class opportunities for patients. In 2021 we delivered four major product approvals: Cabenuva for HIV, Jemperli for endometrial cancer, Xevudy for COVID-19 and Apretude, our new long-acting medicine for HIV prevention. GSKs portfolio spans three product areas: vaccines, specialty and general medicines and our focus is to deliver better and faster for patients globally. Were prioritising investment in vaccines and specialty medicines, which we expect to grow to around three quarters of our business in the next five years. Our unrivalled vaccine portfolio targets infectious diseases at every stage of life, helping to reduce the burden of disease for hundreds of millions of people. GSK has exceptional capabilities in vaccine science and technologies, including adjuvant/protein and mRNA. In specialty medicines, we are at the forefront of HIV prevention and treatment, and we are building our presence in key therapeutic areas such as oncology and immuno-inflammation. General medicines include our inhaled medicines for asthma and COPD, antibiotics and medicines for skin diseases. Every day, GSK medicines and vaccines protect and improve health, making life better for millions of people all over the world. #LI-GSK Find out more: Annual Report 2021 Product Pipeline GSK is a global biopharma company with a special purpose - to unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together - so we can positively impact the health of billions of people and deliver stronger, more sustainable shareholder returns - as an organisation where people can thrive. Getting ahead means preventing disease as well as treating it, and we aim to impact the health of 2.5 billion people around the world in the next 10 years. Our success absolutely depends on our people. While getting ahead of disease together is about our ambition for patients and shareholders, its also about making GSK a place where people can thrive. We want GSK to be a workplace where everyone can feel a sense of belonging and thrive as set out in our Equal and Inclusive Treatment of Employees policy. Were committed to being more proactive at all levels so that our workforce reflects the communities we work and hire in, and our GSK leadership reflects our GSK workforce. GSK is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals to apply to our career opportunities. GSK is committed to accommodating persons with disabilities. If you need accommodation at any stage of the application process or want more information on our accommodation policies, please contact us at Please do not send resumes to this e-mail and instead apply through the online application process of this posting. As a health and science-based organization, GSK is committed to following the recommendations as set out by Health Canada and taking all necessary steps to help curb the spread of COVID-19 which includes getting the COVID-19 vaccine. We feel strongly that this is the best way to help protect those we value most: our employees, families, communities and the patients and consumers we serve. To that end, we are taking an important step to ensure the safety of our employees during this global public health crisis. Only employees who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 may attend our Mississauga and Laval corporate offices. In addition, all customer-facing employees who, as part of their job, attend healthcare settings such as hospitals, pharmacies, doctors offices and dentists offices will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Notwithstanding the foregoing, employees may seek an accommodation for human rights-related reasons, including medical or disability-related conditions, or religious beliefs. Important notice to Employment businesses/ Agencies GSK does not accept referrals from employment businesses and/or employment agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site. All employment businesses/agencies are required to contact GSK's commercial and general procurement/human resources department to obtain prior written authorization before referring any candidates to GSK. The obtaining of prior written authorization is a condition precedent to any agreement (verbal or written) between the employment business/ agency and GSK. In the absence of such written authorization being obtained any actions undertaken by the employment business/agency shall be deemed to have been performed without the consent or contractual agreement of GSK. GSK shall therefore not be liable for any fees arising from such actions or any fees arising from any referrals by employment businesses/agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site.

Beware of fraud agents! do not pay money to get a job will not be responsible for any payment made to a third-party. All Terms of Use are applicable.

Job Detail

  • Job Id
  • Industry
    Not mentioned
  • Total Positions
  • Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Salary:
    Not mentioned
  • Employment Status
  • Job Location
    Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Education
    Not mentioned