Registered Practical Nurse, Medical Day Unit Permanent Full Time (1.0) / Infirmià¨re Auxiliaire Autorisée, Infirmier Auxiliaire Autorisé, Unité Médicale De Jour Poste Permanent à  Temps Plein (1,0)

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Job Description

Compensation Pay Range: $29.52-$36.27


Please Note: If you are a current CHEO employee with access to Workday, please apply to this posting via the Workday application as an internal applicant.

To successfully apply for this position, please submit your application by 11:59 pm the day before the advertised closing date in the posting to ensure your application is received.


In keeping with the Mission Statement of the hospital and the nursing department, the Registered Nurse Practical is responsible for assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care for individual patients and families. The nurse assigned to this position is required to function independently and in conjunction with the physicians and the multidisciplinary team in the Clinic in order to ensure that the clinic runs efficiently.


  • Assess the patient (e.g., results from lab, x-ray, or pathology; status of drug or incision; additional clinical nursing data; vital signs; measurements; and collect specimens)
  • Assist the team with procedures. Monitor the patient pre and post procedures as required.
  • Administer medication within scope of practice.
  • Receive calls from parents. Obtain required information and respond to or redirect calls as required.
  • Coordinate care with home care and other health care professionals and specialists as required.
  • Provide instructions (written or oral) to patients and families as required. Typically this may include teaching for procedures, specimen collection or discharge teaching.
  • Provide emotional support to patients and families.
  • Maintain documentation according to CHEO policies and procedures.
  • Maintain equipment and report any malfunctions.
  • Order and restock supplies. Check expiry dates on supplies and medications.
  • Check resuscitation cart.
  • Police Record Check (Essential)
  • Current registration with the College of Nurses in Ontario (Essential)
  • Current BCLS (Essential)
  • Medication administration course (Essential)
  • Demonstrates knowledge of principles of safe medication administration and reconciliation and the ability to practice this in a clinical setting (Essential)
  • Demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills (Essential)
  • Demonstrates the ability to participate as an active member of the health-care team (Essential)
  • Demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively in an oral and a written format with patients, public, colleagues and other health disciplines (Essential)
  • Demonstrates an understanding and a willingness to participate in self-evaluation (Essential)
  • Demonstrates the ability to participate in patient teaching (Essential)
  • Demonstrates a commitment to continuous Quality Improvement (Essential)
  • Demonstrates an understanding of aseptic technique and an ability to apply this knowledge in a clinical setting (Essential)
  • Demonstrates the ability to maintain clinic throughput by performing nursing functions such as rooming patients, nursing assessment and documentation (Essential)
  • Bilingualism - French and English (Preferred)
  • Minimum two years Pediatric experience (Preferred)
  • Please note you will be represented by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU).
CHEO is committed to providing a safe environment for staff, patients, and visitors. Consistent with that commitment, all applicants must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to be considered for any staff or volunteer opportunities. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to receive their COVID-19 booster shots when eligible to protect against the spread of COVID-19. Upon hiring, presentation of government issued documentation confirming full vaccination must be provided, o presentation of supporting documentation of a valid medical contraindication or other reasonable consideration pursuant to the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Effective March 29, 2021, CHEO will conduct a more comprehensive pre-screening and evaluation process. This process may include more varied and multidimensional testing such as a written test, practical exam, or other assessment. All candidates who meet the essential and preferred qualifications may be tested. All OPSEU members shall be granted an interview upon passing the pre-screening. Pre-screening might include testing.

CHEO values diversity and is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process and welcome interest from all qualified applicants.

Should you require accommodation during any phase in the recruitment process, please contact Human Resources at . All information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential and will be handled in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

We thank all those who apply, however, only those to be interviewed will be contacted

R\xc3\x89SUM\xc3\x89 DES FONCTIONS

Conform\xc3\xa9ment \xc3\xa0 l\xc3\x89nonc\xc3\xa9 de mission de lH\xc3\xb4pital et du Services des soins infirmiers, le ou la titulaire a la responsabilit\xc3\xa9 dappr\xc3\xa9cier, de planifier, de mettre en \xc5\x93uvre et d\xc3\xa9valuer les soins infirmiers individuels \xc3\xa0 prodiguer aux patients et \xc3\xa0 leurs familles. Il ou elle doit travailler en autonomie et de concert avec les m\xc3\xa9decins et l\xc3\xa9quipe multidisciplinaire de la Clinique afin den assurer le fonctionnement efficace.

  • \xc3\x89valuer les patients (p. ex. r\xc3\xa9sultats provenant du laboratoire; rayon X ou pathologie, statut relatif aux m\xc3\xa9dicaments ou \xc3\xa0 lincision; donn\xc3\xa9es infirmi\xc3\xa8res cliniques suppl\xc3\xa9mentaires; signes vitaux; mesures; pr\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa8vements)
  • Aider l\xc3\xa9quipe \xc3\xa0 effectuer les interventions; surveiller les patients avant et apr\xc3\xa8s les interventions, au besoin.
  • Donner les m\xc3\xa9dicaments dans la limite de son domaine de comp\xc3\xa9tence.
  • Recevoir les appels des parents. Obtenir linformation requise et r\xc3\xa9pondre ou rediriger les appels au besoin.
  • Assurer la coordination avec les soins \xc3\xa0 domicile ainsi quavec dautres professionnels et sp\xc3\xa9cialistes de la sant\xc3\xa9, au besoin.
  • Fournir les instructions (\xc3\xa9crites ou orales) aux patients et \xc3\xa0 leur famille au besoin; il faut g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9ralement pour cela enseigner \xc3\xa0 effectuer les interventions, les pr\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa8vements ou fournir de linformation en vue du cong\xc3\xa9.
  • Fournir le soutien \xc3\xa9motionnel dont les patients et les familles ont besoin.
  • Maintenir la documentation selon les politiques et les proc\xc3\xa9dures du CHEO.
  • Entretenir l\xc3\xa9quipement et signaler tout mauvais fonctionnement.
  • Commander et restocker les fournitures. V\xc3\xa9rifier les dates de p\xc3\xa9remption des fournitures et des m\xc3\xa9dicaments.
  • V\xc3\xa9rifier le chariot de r\xc3\xa9animation.
  • V\xc3\xa9rification du casier judiciaire (Essentiel)
  • Adh\xc3\xa9sion en r\xc3\xa8gle \xc3\xa0 lordre des infirmi\xc3\xa8res et infirmiers de lOntario (Essentiel)
  • BCLS \xc3\xa0 jour (Essentiel)
  • M\xc3\xa9thode de travail ax\xc3\xa9e sur les familles (Essentiel)
  • Cours dadministration des m\xc3\xa9dicaments (Essentiel)
  • Connaissance manifeste des principes dadministration s\xc3\xa9curitaire et de rapprochement des m\xc3\xa9dicaments et capacit\xc3\xa9 de les appliquer en milieu clinique (Essentiel)
  • Excellent entregent (Essentiel)
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 manifeste de participer activement au travail dune \xc3\xa9quipe de soins de sant\xc3\xa9 (Essentiel)
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 manifeste de communiquer efficacement verbalement et par \xc3\xa9crit avec les patients, le public, les coll\xc3\xa8gues et avec des professionnels dautres disciplines des soins de sant\xc3\xa9 (Essentiel)
  • Compr\xc3\xa9hension et d\xc3\xa9sir manifestes de participer \xc3\xa0 son auto-\xc3\xa9valuation (Essentiel)
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 manifeste de participer \xc3\xa0 lenseignement aux patients (Essentiel)
  • Engagement manifeste envers lam\xc3\xa9lioration continue de la qualit\xc3\xa9
  • Compr\xc3\xa9hension des enfants et des adolescents atteints de troubles de sant\xc3\xa9 mentale ou de lalimentation (Essentiel)
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 manifeste de faire fonctionner une clinique en accomplissant des fonctions de soins infirmiers telles que la pr\xc3\xa9paration des patients, l\xc3\xa9valuation et la documentation (Essentiel)
  • Bilinguisme - Fran\xc3\xa7ais et anglais (Pr\xc3\xa9f\xc3\xa9rable)
  • Minimum de deux ans dexp\xc3\xa9rience en p\xc3\xa9diatrie (Pr\xc3\xa9f\xc3\xa9rable)
  • Veuillez noter que vous serez repr\xc3\xa9sent\xc3\xa9 (e) par le syndicat des employ\xc3\xa9s de la fonction publique de lOntario.
CHEO sengage \xc3\xa0 offrir un environnement s\xc3\xa9curitaire au personnel, aux patients et aux visiteurs. Conform\xc3\xa9ment \xc3\xa0 cet engagement, tous les candidats doivent \xc3\xaatre enti\xc3\xa8rement vaccin\xc3\xa9s contre la COVID-19 pour \xc3\xaatre consids comme des candidats pour tout emploi de personnel ou de b\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9vole. Les candidats sont \xc3\xa9galement fortement encourag\xc3\xa9s \xc3\xa0 recevoir leurs doses de rappel contre la COVID-19 lorsquils sont admissibles pour \xc3\xa9viter la propagation de COVID-19. Lors de lembauche, la pr\xc3\xa9sentation de documents gouvernementaux confirmant la vaccination compl\xc3\xa8te doit \xc3\xaatre fournie, ou la pr\xc3\xa9sentation de documents justificatifs dune contre-indication m\xc3\xa9dicale valide ou dune autre consid\xc3\xa9ration raisonnable en vertu du Code des droits de la personne de lOntario.

\xc3\x80 partir du 29 mars 2021, CHEO m\xc3\xa8nera un processus de pr\xc3\xa9s\xc3\xa9lection et d\'\xc3\xa9valuation plus complet. Ce processus peut comprendre des tests plus vari\xc3\xa9s et multidimensionnels tels qu\'un test \xc3\xa9crit, un examen pratique ou une autre \xc3\xa9valuation. Tous les candidats qui satisfont aux qualifications essentielles et pr\xc3\xa9fes peuvent \xc3\xaatre test\xc3\xa9s. Tous les membres de OPSEU serront accorder une entrevue apr\xc3\xa8s avoir pass\xc3\xa9 la pr\xc3\xa9s\xc3\xa9lection. La pr\xc3\xa9s\xc3\xa9lection peut comprendre des tests.

CHEO valorise la diversit\xc3\xa9 et est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l\xc3\xa9galit\xc3\xa9 dacc\xc3\xa8s. Nous nous sommes engag\xc3\xa9s \xc3\xa0 fournir un environnement de travail inclusif et sans obstacle, en commen\xc3\xa7ant par le processus dembauche et nous sommes heureux de recevoir des demandes provenant de tous les candidats qualifi\xc3\xa9s.

Si vous avez besoin de mesures dadaptation pendant une phase du processus de recrutement, veuillez communiquer avec les Ressources humaines \xc3\xa0 . Tous les renseignements re\xc3\xa7us concernant les mesures dadaptation resteront confidentiels et seront trait\xc3\xa9s conform\xc3\xa9ment \xc3\xa0 la Loi sur laccessibilit\xc3\xa9 pour les personnes handicap\xc3\xa9es de lOntario.

Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui posent leur candidature; toutefois, nous ne communiquerons quavec celles qui seront convoqu\xc3\xa9es \xc3\xa0 une entrevue.

Please note you will be represented by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU).

CHEO values diversity and is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process and welcome interest from all qualified applicants.

Should you require accommodation during any phase in the recruitment process, please contact Human Resources at All information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential and will be handled in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

We thank all those who apply, however, only those to be interviewed will be contacted.

Job Posting End Date (if applicable): October 11, 2023

Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Beware of fraud agents! do not pay money to get a job will not be responsible for any payment made to a third-party. All Terms of Use are applicable.

Job Detail

  • Job Id
  • Industry
    Not mentioned
  • Total Positions
  • Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Salary:
    Not mentioned
  • Employment Status
  • Job Location
    Ottawa, ON, Canada
  • Education
    Not mentioned