Inspecteur Essais Non Destructifs, Classe B / Non Destructive Testing Inspector, Class C

Montreal, QC, Canada

Job Description

Inspecteur \xc3\x89ND classe C

Linspecteur en Essais Non-Destructifs (END) de classe "C" est un employ\xc3\xa9 en apprentissage du processus de ressuage qui sera jumel\xc3\xa9 avec un inspecteur dexp\xc3\xa9rience de classe A et / ou B durant sa p\xc3\xa9riode de formation. Au terme de sa formation il sera \xc3\xa9ligible \xc3\xa0 une qualification en ressuage dans le but dobtenir une certification initiale de niveau 2 selon les exigences du National Aerospace Standards (NAS410) et de la pratique \xc3\xa9crite interne de Rolls-Royce Canada RPS929.

Sous une supervision constante dun inspecteur de Classe B et/ou de classe A Linspecteur de classe C devra comprendre et appliquer les proc\xc3\xa9dures associ\xc3\xa9es au processus de ressuage pour la d\xc3\xa9tection des fissures sur les composants de moteurs da\xc3\xa9ronefs en service.

Pendant son cheminement, il devra \xc3\xaatre en mesure de suivre et comprendre les chartes de contr\xc3\xb4les des processus de ressuage ainsi que les fiches dinstructions techniques sp\xc3\xa9cifiques sy rattachant. Il devra conna\xc3\xaetre les principaux concepts du processus complet tel que :

  • Les diff\xc3\xa9rentes m\xc3\xa9thodes utilis\xc3\xa9es (A-B-C-D)
  • Les diff\xc3\xa9rents types de p\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9trant
  • Les diff\xc3\xa9rentes sensitivit\xc3\xa9s du p\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9trant
  • Les diff\xc3\xa9rentes formes de r\xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9lateurs utilis\xc3\xa9s.
Lemploy\xc3\xa9 devra \xc3\xa9galement maitriser les concepts de base suivants :
  • Conna\xc3\xaetre les m\xc3\xa9thodes dapplication du p\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9trant et le temps de s\xc3\xa9jour applicable aux requis.
  • Conna\xc3\xaetre les param\xc3\xa8tres de lavage; pr\xc3\xa9 rince et rince final.
  • Conna\xc3\xaetre les param\xc3\xa8tres et les caract\xc3\xa9ristiques de l\xc3\xa9mulsifiant incluant le temps d\xc3\xa9mulsification requis.
  • Connaitre les m\xc3\xa9thodes dapplication du r\xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9lateur et le temps de r\xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9lation requis.
  • Conna\xc3\xaetre et appliquez le processus d\xc3\xa9talonnage quotidiens des lignes de ressuage.
Vers la fin de son processus dapprentissage, il devra \xc3\xa9galement d\xc3\xa9montrer sa compr\xc3\xa9hension \xc3\xa0 reconna\xc3\xaetre et \xc3\xa9valuer la pertinence des indications trouv\xc3\xa9es sur diverses composants afin dassurer la conformit\xc3\xa9 selon les normes, sp\xc3\xa9cifications et crit\xc3\xa8res dacceptations \xc3\xa9tablies.

De plus, au terme de son apprentissage, linspecteur devra \xc3\xaatre en mesure de lire et interpr\xc3\xa9ter les exigences mentionn\xc3\xa9es dans les manuels des moteurs et suivre les instructions sp\xc3\xa9cifier sur les sch\xc3\xa9mas de r\xc3\xa9paration des composants.

Il devra \xc3\xa9galement effectuer l\'inspection binoculaire selon les exigences et sp\xc3\xa9cifications de lentreprise conform\xc3\xa9ment aux requis des manuels des moteurs.

The Class "C" Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Inspector is an employee learning the penetrant testing process who will be paired with an experienced Class "A" and/or "B" inspector during their training period. At the end of his training, he will be eligible for a PT qualification with the aim of obtaining an initial level 2 certification according to the requirements of the National Aerospace Standards (NAS410) and Rolls-Royce Canada's internal written practice RPS929.

Under the constant supervision of a Class \'\'B\'\' and/or Class \'\'A\'\' Inspector, the Class \'\'C\'\' Inspector will understand and apply the procedures associated with the penetrant testing process for crack detection on in-service aircraft engine components.

During his training, he will need to be able to follow and understand the penetrant testing process control charters, as well as the related specific technical instruction sheets. He/she should be familiar with the main concepts of the complete process, such as:

- The different methods used (A-B-C-D)

- The different types of penetrants

- Different penetrant sensitivities

- The different types of developer used.

The employee must also master the following basic concepts:

- Knowledge of penetrant application methods and residence

times applicable to requirements.

- Know the parameters of washing, pre-rinse and final rinse.

- Emulsifier parameters and characteristics, including required

emulsification time.

- Know developer application methods and required developer


- Know and apply the daily PT line calibration process.

Towards the end of the apprenticeship process, the inspector will also need to demonstrate an understanding of how to recognize and evaluate the relevance of indications found on various components to ensure compliance with established standards, specifications, and acceptance criteria.

In addition, upon completion of the apprenticeship, the inspector should be able to read and interpret the requirements mentioned in engine manuals, and follow the instructions specified on component repair schemes.

He or she should also be able to carry out binocular inspections according to the company's requirements and specifications, as specified in the engine manuals.

Chez Rolls-Royce, nous regardons au-del\xc3\xa0 de demain. Nous sommes continuellement pionniers dans les solutions d\'alimentation et de propulsion int\xc3\xa9gr\xc3\xa9es pour fournir une \xc3\xa9nergie plus propre, plus s\xc3\xbbre et plus comp\xc3\xa9titive.

Ce que vous obtiendrez?
  • Un salaire comp\xc3\xa9titif
  • Jusqu\'\xc3\xa0 7 jours de cong\xc3\xa9 personnel par an
  • Une banque de temps flexible jusqu\'\xc3\xa0 2 semaines
  • 2 jours de cong\xc3\xa9s familiaux pay\xc3\xa9s
  • 3 jours f\xc3\xa9ri\xc3\xa9s pay\xc3\xa9s pour No\xc3\xabl
  • 2 jours f\xc3\xa9ri\xc3\xa9s pay\xc3\xa9s pour le Nouvel An
  • 1 jour flottant pour la p\xc3\xa9riode des vacances
  • Un r\xc3\xa9gime de retraite \xc3\xa0 cotisations d\xc3\xa9finies tr\xc3\xa8s comp\xc3\xa9titif
  • Un programme d\'avantages sociaux \xc3\xa0 la carte
  • Un club social
  • Des possibilit\xc3\xa9s d\'avancement
  • Un programme de r\xc3\xa9f\xc3\xa9rencement, vous recevrez 1000$ par employ\xc3\xa9 r\xc3\xa9f
Exigences de base:

- Soucis des d\xc3\xa9tails

- D\xc3\xa9brouillardise

- Sens de lorganisation

- Bonne communication avec ses coll\xc3\xa8gues

- Grande capacit\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 travailler en \xc3\xa9quipe

- Excellente compr\xc3\xa9hension de langlais \xc3\xa9crit pour la lecture des

Sp\xc3\xa9cifications - (Obligatoire)

- Communiquez verbalement en anglais. (Un atout)

- Savoir prendre des d\xc3\xa9cisions justes et pr\xc3\xa9cises

Exigences pr\xc3\xa9fes :
  • Connaissance du syst\xc3\xa8me SAP - (Un atout)
  • Lectures de plans et de croquis.
  • Connaissance de la suite Microsoft Office - (Un atout)
Innover et propulser le monde

Chez Rolls-Royce, nous sommes les pionniers de la puissance qui compte pour nos clients, pour la soci\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 et pour la plan\xc3\xa8te.

Nous fournissons les meilleurs moteurs \xc3\xa0 r\xc3\xa9action au monde. Gr\xc3\xa2ce \xc3\xa0 une innovation intelligente et \xc3\xa0 une collaboration active, nous pla\xc3\xa7ons nos clients \xc3\xa0 l\'avant-garde de l\'industrie a\xc3\xa9ronautique - et nous les y maintenons. Notre portefeuille de produits \xc3\xa9quipe plus de 35 types d\'avions commerciaux et compte plus de 13 000 moteurs en service dans le monde ; nous faisons voler le monde.

Pionnier de l\'innovation de nouvelle g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9ration. Rejoignez-nous et vous d\xc3\xa9velopperez vos comp\xc3\xa9tences et votre expertise au plus haut niveau, en travaillant dans un environnement international pour une entreprise connue dans le monde entier pour son g\xc3\xa9nie.

Notre peuple est notre pouvoir

Nous sommes un employeur garantissant l\'\xc3\xa9galit\xc3\xa9 des chances. Nous nous engageons \xc3\xa0 d\xc3\xa9velopper une main-d\'\xc5\x93uvre diversifi\xc3\xa9e et un environnement de travail inclusif. Nous pensons que des personnes d\'horizons et de cultures diff\xc3\xa9rentes nous offrent des perspectives vari\xc3\xa9es. Et plus nous aurons de perspectives, plus nous r\xc3\xa9ussirons. En cr\xc3\xa9ant une culture de respect et d\'appr\xc3\xa9ciation, nous donnons \xc3\xa0 tous ceux et celles qui travaillent ici la possibilit\xc3\xa9 de r\xc3\xa9aliser leur plein potentiel.

Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur notre strat\xc3\xa9gie d\'inclusion mondiale sur

Chez Rolls-Royce, nous adoptons la flexibilit\xc3\xa9 du lieu de travail. Nos \xc3\xa9quipes travaillent dans des environnements de travail sur site, hybrides et \xc3\xa0 distance en fonction des exigences professionnelles et personnelles. Les dispositions sp\xc3\xa9cifiques varient d\'une \xc3\xa9quipe \xc3\xa0 l\'autre. Veuillez nous demander comment nous travaillons dans cette \xc3\xa9quipe.

L\'aide \xc3\xa0 la r\xc3\xa9installation n\'est pas disponible pour ce poste.

NDT Inspector Class B

N.D.T. Inspector Class "B" shall be one who is certified in accordance with the requirements of MIL STD 410, CGSB or equivalent specifications to carry out and direct liquid penetrant inspection tests. He shall also be able to perform binocular inspection in accordance with Company requirements. He must be able to read and interpret indications and evaluate them with reference to applicable standards and specifications.

In addition, he shall call/ up repair schemes for parts which he has found to be repairable. He shall also be able to perform strip inspection on components for which he has received instruction. A Class "B" N.D.T. Inspector may be required to work with a Class "A" N.D.T. Inspector in the magnetic perfide process and will also be required to provide training to and work with a Class "C" N.D.T. Operator in the liquid penetrant process.

At Rolls-Royce, we look beyond tomorrow. We are continually pioneering integrated power and propulsion solutions to deliver cleaner, safer, and more competitive energy.

What you will get?
  • Highly competitive salary
  • Up to 7 days of personal leave per year
  • A Flexible time bank for up to 2 weeks
  • 2 paid family days
  • 3 paid holidays for Christmas
  • 2 paid holidays for New Years
  • 1 floater day for the holiday period
  • A highly competitive DC pension plan
  • A Flexible Benefits Plan
  • A Social Club
  • Advancement opportunities
  • An Employee Referral Program, you can earn 1000$ per referral
Basic Requirements:

- Attention to detail

- Resourcefulness

- Organizational skills

- Good communication with colleagues

- Ability to work as part of a team

- Excellent reading and writing skills in English

Specifications - (Mandatory)

- Ability to communicate verbally in English. (An asset)

- Ability to make fair and accurate decisions

Preferred Requirements:

Knowledge of SAP - (An asset)

Reading of plans and sketches.

Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite - (An asset)

Innovate & Power the world

At Rolls-Royce, we pioneer the power that matters to our customers, to society and to the planet.

We deliver the best jet engines in the world. Through intelligent innovation and active collaboration, were putting our customers at the forefront of the aviation industry - and we keep them there. Our product portfolio powers more than 35 types of commercial aircraft, and with over 13,000 engines in-service around the world; were keeping the world flying.

Pioneer beyond tomorrow. Join us and youll develop your skills and expertise to the very highest levels, working in an international environment for a company known the world over for brilliance and innovation.

Our People are our Power

We are an equal opportunities employer. Were committed to developing a diverse workforce and an inclusive working environment. We believe that people from different backgrounds and cultures give us different perspectives. And the more perspectives we have, the more successful well be. By building a culture of respect and appreciation, we give everyone who works here the opportunity to realize their full potential.

You can find out more about our global inclusion strategy at

At Rolls-Royce we embrace workplace flexibility. Our teams work in onsite, hybrid and remote work environments based on work and personal requirements. The specific arrangements vary from team to team. Please ask us about how we work on this team.

Relocation assistance is not available for this position.

Job Category

Factory Staff

Posting Date

27 Dec 2023; 00:12


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Job Detail

  • Job Id
  • Industry
    Not mentioned
  • Total Positions
  • Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Salary:
    Not mentioned
  • Employment Status
  • Job Location
    Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Education
    Not mentioned