Representative, Export Services

Montréal, QC, Canada

Job Description

English will follow

Repr\xc3\xa9sentant, Services \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99exportation

La Chambre de commerce du Canada est le r\xc3\xa9seau d\xe2\x80\x99affaires le plus important et le plus dynamique du Canada. Elle repr\xc3\xa9sente 400+ chambres de commerce et plus de 200 000 entreprises de toutes tailles, de tous les secteurs de l\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9conomie et de toutes les r\xc3\xa9gions du pays pour cr\xc3\xa9er les conditions de notre r\xc3\xa9ussite collective. Notre vision est de construire un Canada offrant des possibilit\xc3\xa9s d\xe2\x80\x99affaires florissantes, une \xc3\xa9conomie forte et une meilleure vie pour tous. Notre mission est de mener le changement, d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9tablir de solides partenariats et d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xaatre l\xe2\x80\x99ambassadeur et le catalyseur incontest\xc3\xa9 de l\xe2\x80\x99avenir de la r\xc3\xa9ussite en affaires. Pour y parvenir, nous nous appuyons sur les politiques et la repr\xc3\xa9sentation des int\xc3\xa9r\xc3\xaats, sur le r\xc3\xa9seau de la Chambre de commerce du Canada et sur notre gamme de services essentiels aux entreprises. Qu\xe2\x80\x99il s\xe2\x80\x99agisse de travailler avec le gouvernement sur des politiques favorables \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9conomie ou de fournir des services qui fa\xc3\xa7onnent le commerce et facilitent les \xc3\xa9changes, nous donnons \xc3\xa0 nos membres plus de ce dont ils ont besoin pour r\xc3\xa9ussir : des informations sur les march\xc3\xa9s, les concurrents et les tendances, une influence sur les d\xc3\xa9cisions et les politiques qui favorisent la r\xc3\xa9ussite en affaires et l\xe2\x80\x99impact sur les performances commerciales et \xc3\xa9conomiques. Notre \xc3\xa9quipe sera le moteur de notre transformation et de notre expansion dans le cadre de la Chambre 2025. Nous entamons une p\xc3\xa9riode de transformation et d\xe2\x80\x99expansion stimulante pour r\xc3\xa9pondre aux besoins changeants de nos membres. Notre transformation nous fera passer du r\xc3\xb4le de porte-parole des entreprises canadiennes en tant qu\xe2\x80\x99organisation de lobbying f\xc3\xa9d\xc3\xa9ral \xc3\xa0 celui d\xe2\x80\x99ambassadeur incontest\xc3\xa9 et de catalyseur de la r\xc3\xa9ussite des entreprises. Par le biais de notre plan strat\xc3\xa9gique Chambre 2025, nous donnerons \xc3\xa0 chacun de nos membres davantage de ce dont il a besoin pour r\xc3\xa9ussir :
  • Une connaissance approfondie des march\xc3\xa9s, de la concurrence et des tendances
  • Une influence sur les d\xc3\xa9cisions et les politiques qui m\xc3\xa8nent \xc3\xa0 la r\xc3\xa9ussite en affaires
  • Un impact sur les r\xc3\xa9sultats \xc3\xa9conomiques et commerciaux
D\xc3\xa8s 2022, nous lancerons de toutes nouvelles divisions et offres pour r\xc3\xa9pondre aux besoins des entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs du R\xc3\xa9seau de la Chambre de commerce du Canada. Cela inclut :
  • Des donn\xc3\xa9es et des informations de premier ordre
  • Des solutions sur mesure pour les PME, notamment des services de formation et de conseil.
  • Des avantages am\xc3\xa9lior\xc3\xa9s pour les membres
  • De meilleures occasions de r\xc3\xa9seautage B2B
  • Des moteurs de croissance internationaux
Notre proposition
  • Des possibilit\xc3\xa9s d\xe2\x80\x99avancement
  • Salaire annuel : 50 000 $
  • Ensemble complet d\xe2\x80\x99avantages sociaux couverts par la Chambre sans frais pour les employ\xc3\xa9s
  • Un r\xc3\xa9gime de vacances comp\xc3\xa9titif
  • Un r\xc3\xa9gime de retraite \xc3\xa0 prestations d\xc3\xa9termin\xc3\xa9es prenant effet apr\xc3\xa8s une (1) ann\xc3\xa9e de service
  • Semaine de travail condens\xc3\xa9e pendant l\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9
  • Environnement de travail hybride

Dur\xc3\xa9e et lieu de travail

Ce poste permanent \xc3\xa0 temps plein est bas\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 Ottawa ou \xc3\xa0 Montr\xc3\xa9al R\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 du r\xc3\xb4le et de la fonction Le repr\xc3\xa9sentant des services \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99exportation est une personne de confiance que nos clients vont apprendre \xc3\xa0 conna\xc3\xaetre et \xc3\xa0 qui ils vont confier leurs besoins en mati\xc3\xa8re d\xe2\x80\x99exportation. Relevant du directeur principal, R\xc3\xa9clamations et services \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99exportation, le titulaire du poste travaillera en \xc3\xa9troite collaboration avec tous les membres de l\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9quipe, y compris le personnel des bureaux de Montr\xc3\xa9al et du si\xc3\xa8ge social \xc3\xa0 Ottawa, afin d\xe2\x80\x99offrir \xc3\xa0 nos clients une exp\xc3\xa9rience client hors du commun. Qu\xe2\x80\x99il s\xe2\x80\x99agisse de guider les clients dans leur demande de carnet ATA ou de les aider \xc3\xa0 obtenir des certificats d\xe2\x80\x99origine, ce r\xc3\xb4le est un \xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9ment cl\xc3\xa9 du succ\xc3\xa8s du service. T\xc3\xa2ches et responsabilit\xc3\xa9s principales:
  • Carnet
    • Examiner les demandes et les documents justificatifs afin de traiter et de d\xc3\xa9livrer les carnets
    • Accompagner les clients tout au long du processus de voyage avec un Carnet, les prot\xc3\xa9ger contre les r\xc3\xa9clamations, etc.
    • R\xc3\xa9pondre aux demandes de renseignements t\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9phoniques et fournir de l\xe2\x80\x99information g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rale sur le programme du carnet
    • Fournir un soutien au si\xc3\xa8ge social et aux autres bureaux r\xc3\xa9gionaux
    • Aider les coll\xc3\xa8gues \xc3\xa0 r\xc3\xa9soudre les probl\xc3\xa8mes de tous les jours
  • Certification de documents
    • V\xc3\xa9rifier, estampiller et signer divers documents
    • R\xc3\xa9pondre aux demandes de renseignements t\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9phoniques et fournir de l\xe2\x80\x99information g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rale sur la certification des documents
    • Traiter les demandes de certification en ligne

  • Autres responsabilit\xc3\xa9s
    • Classement et num\xc3\xa9risation de documents
    • Saisie de donn\xc3\xa9es
    • Tri et distribution du courrier entrant et sortant
    • Commande de fournitures et suivi des stocks
    • Aide \xc3\xa0 la logistique lors d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9nements ou d\xe2\x80\x99autres activit\xc3\xa9s promotionnelles
    • Assister les autres bureaux en leur apportant un soutien suppl\xc3\xa9mentaire sur divers sujets relatifs au d\xc3\xa9partement des services
Connaissances, comp\xc3\xa9tences et exp\xc3\xa9rience:
  • Exp\xc3\xa9rience du service \xc3\xa0 la client\xc3\xa8le (minimum deux ans).
  • Avoir une attitude positive et tr\xc3\xa8s motiv\xc3\xa9e, avec le d\xc3\xa9sir d\xe2\x80\x99apprendre et de se d\xc3\xa9velopper.
  • La capacit\xc3\xa9 d\xe2\x80\x99identifier les probl\xc3\xa8mes et de recommander des pistes de solution.
  • Excellentes capacit\xc3\xa9s d\xe2\x80\x99organisation et souci du d\xc3\xa9tail.
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 travailler de mani\xc3\xa8re autonome et \xc3\xa0 savoir quand consulter ses coll\xc3\xa8gues et son directeur pour obtenir des conseils et des directives.
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 travailler en \xc3\xa9quipe et \xc3\xa0 rechercher activement et \xc3\xa0 exploiter les forces de ses co\xc3\xa9quipiers.
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 travailler en anglais et en fran\xc3\xa7ais

La Chambre de commerce du Canada s\xe2\x80\x99engage \xc3\xa0 offrir un environnement de travail accessible, conform\xc3\xa9ment \xc3\xa0 la Loi sur l\xe2\x80\x99accessibilit\xc3\xa9 pour les personnes handicap\xc3\xa9es de l\xe2\x80\x99Ontario et au Code des droits de la personne de l\xe2\x80\x99Ontario. \xc3\x80 ce titre, nous mettrons en \xc5\x93uvre des accommodements \xc3\xa0 la disposition des candidats handicap\xc3\xa9s qui en feront la demande au cours du processus de recrutement.
Notre objectif est de constituer une main-d\xe2\x80\x99\xc5\x93uvre diversifi\xc3\xa9e et repr\xc3\xa9sentative, \xc3\xa0 tous les niveaux d\xe2\x80\x99emploi, de tous les segments de la soci\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9. Nous sommes d\xc3\xa9termin\xc3\xa9s \xc3\xa0 encourager une culture ax\xc3\xa9e sur l\xe2\x80\x99entraide et l\xe2\x80\x99inclusion au sein de l\xe2\x80\x99ensemble de la main-d\xe2\x80\x99\xc5\x93uvre, et nous nous engageons \xc3\xa0 constituer une \xc3\xa9quipe qui repr\xc3\xa9sente une vari\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 de milieux, de points de vue et de comp\xc3\xa9tences, o\xc3\xb9 des possibilit\xc3\xa9s d\xe2\x80\x99emploi \xc3\xa9gales sont offertes \xc3\xa0 tous les candidats et membres de l\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9quipe. Tous les crit\xc3\xa8res d\xe2\x80\x99embauche, y compris la d\xc3\xa9cision de recruter, seront bas\xc3\xa9s sur le m\xc3\xa9rite, la comp\xc3\xa9tence, les r\xc3\xa9sultats et les besoins de l\xe2\x80\x99entreprise.

Representative, Export Services

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is Canada\xe2\x80\x99s largest and most activated business network \xe2\x80\x94 representing over 400+ chambers of commerce and boards of trade and more than 200,000 businesses of all sizes, from all sectors of the economy and from every part of the country \xe2\x80\x94 to create the conditions for our collective success. Our vision is to build a Canada of thriving business opportunity, a strong economy and a better life for all. Our mission is to drive change, partner broadly and be the undisputed champion and catalyst for the future of business success. We do this through policy and advocacy, our Canadian Chamber Network and our suite of essential business services. From working with government on economy-friendly policy to providing services that inform commerce and enable trade, we give each of our members more of what they need to succeed: insight into markets, competitors and trends, influence over the decisions and policies that drive business success and impact on business and economic performance. Our team will drive our transformation and expansion as part of Chamber 2025 We are entering an exciting period of transformation and expansion to meet the changing needs of our members. Our transformation will take us from being the voice of Canadian business as a federal lobby organization to also becoming the undisputed champion and catalyst for the future of business success. Through our Chamber 2025 Strategic Plan, we will give each of our members more of what they need to succeed:
  • Insight into markets, competitors and trends
  • Influence over the decisions and policies that drive business success
  • Impact on business and economic performance
Starting in 2022, we will be launching whole new divisions and offerings to serve businesses of all sizes and sectors across our Canadian Chamber Network. This includes:
  • Best-in-class data and insights
  • Tailor-made solutions for SMEs, including training and consulting services
  • Enhanced membership benefits
  • Expanded B2B networking opportunities
  • International growth boosters
That is why we want to recruit top talent who understand today\xe2\x80\x99s business realities and have an entrepreneurial mindset that can support our business building goals as well as emerging business needs and opportunities. One of our core goals is to increase our value to the Canadian Chamber Network, our business and association members and other stakeholders and to build new relevance to emerging and entrepreneurial sectors. As a result, this role will have a strong working relationship with our Member Relations team as well as other colleagues across the organization on the delivery of new integrated initiatives.

What we offer

  • Advancement Opportunities
  • Annual Salary: $50,000
  • Comprehensive Benefit Package covered by the Chamber at no cost to employees
  • Competitive vacation
  • A defined pension plan starting after one (1) year of service
  • Compressed-work week during the summer
  • Hybrid work environment

Term and Location

This role is full-time permanent and is based in Ottawa or Montreal. Summary of the Role and Opportunity
The Representative, Export Services is the familiar face that our clients will get to know and trust with their export needs. Reporting to the Senior Manager, Claims and Export Services, the successful candidate will work closely with all team members, including our staff in the Montreal and Toronto offices and our headquarters in Ottawa, in order to provide our clients with an exceptional customer experience. From guiding clients on applying for an ATA Carnet to assisting them in obtaining Certificates of Origin, this role is a key part of the department\xe2\x80\x99s success.
Core Duties and Responsibilities

  • Carnet
    • Reviewing applications and supporting documents in order to process and issue Carnets
    • Guiding clients through the process of traveling with a Carnet, guarding against claims etc.
    • Answering telephone inquiries and providing general information on the Carnet product
    • Providing support to Headquarters and other regional offices
    • Supporting colleagues with daily troubleshooting issues

  • Document Certification
    • Verifying, stamping and signing various documents
    • Answering telephone inquiries and providing general information with regards to the certification of documents
    • Processing online certification requests

  • Other Responsibilities
    • Filing and scanning of documents
    • Data entry
    • Sorting and distributing incoming/outgoing mail deliveries
    • Ordering supplies and monitoring inventory
    • Assisting with logistics with regards to events or other promotional activities
Assisting the other offices with additional support on various topics in the Services department
Knowledge, Skills and Experience

  • Customer service experience (minimum two years)
  • A professional who is highly motivated and positive with a desire to learn and grow.
  • The ability to identify issues and recommend alternative courses of action.
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Ability to work independently and to know when to consult with colleagues and leader for input and direction.
  • Ability to work with others as part of a team and to actively seek and leverage teammates\xe2\x80\x99 strengths.
  • Ability to work in English and in French

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is committed to providing a barrier-free work environment in concert with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code. As such, we will make accommodations available to applicants with disabilities upon request during the recruitment process.
Our goal is to be a diverse workforce that is representative, at all job levels, of all segments of society. We are dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst the whole workforce and we are committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills, where equal employment opportunities are available to all applicants and teammates. All aspects of employment including the decision to hire will be based on merit, competence, performance and business needs.

Beware of fraud agents! do not pay money to get a job will not be responsible for any payment made to a third-party. All Terms of Use are applicable.

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Job Detail

  • Job Id
  • Industry
    Not mentioned
  • Total Positions
  • Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Salary:
    Not mentioned
  • Employment Status
  • Job Location
    Montréal, QC, Canada
  • Education
    Not mentioned