Date daffichage / Date Posted: 2024-04-05Pays / Country: CanadaEmplacement / Location: LOC13052 1000 Boul Marie Victorin,Longueuil,Quebec,J4G 1A1,Canada#MonAvenirPWC #MyFuturePWCQui sommes-nous?
Chez Pratt & Whitney, entreprise en pleine croissance, nous croyons que le vol motoris\xc3\xa9 a transform\xc3\xa9, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C\'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un c\xc5\x93ur d\'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste \xc3\xa0 concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d\'avion les plus avanc\xc3\xa9s et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifi\xc3\xa9 - compos\xc3\xa9 de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destin\xc3\xa9s \xc3\xa0 l\'aviation d\'affaires, g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rale et r\xc3\xa9gionale, et aux h\xc3\xa9licopt\xc3\xa8res - nous permet, ainsi qu\xc3\xa0 nos clients, de passer du possible au r\xc3\xa9el.Ce qui vous attendEntreprise denvergure et de renomm\xc3\xa9e mondialeProduits innovateurs \xc3\xa0 la fine pointe de la technologie : moteurs davions et dh\xc3\xa9licopt\xc3\xa8res de nouvelle g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9ration (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.)D\xc3\xa9veloppement de technologies vertes et durablesProgrammes davancement professionnel et de scolarisationProgrammes de formation sur le leadership et mentoratGamme davantages sociaux, r\xc3\xa9gime d\xc3\xa9pargne et r\xc3\xa9gime de retraitePratiques reconnues en mati\xc3\xa8re de sant\xc3\xa9, s\xc3\xa9curit\xc3\xa9 et environnementProgramme de sant\xc3\xa9-mieux -\xc3\xaatre en entreprise et groupes de ressources pour les employ\xc3\xa9sProgramme daide pour les cong\xc3\xa9s parentauxCulture dentreprise valorisant la diversit\xc3\xa9, l\xc3\xa9quit\xc3\xa9 et linclusion et lengagement communautaireCe dont vous avez besoin pour r\xc3\xa9ussirTitulaire dun DEP comme m\xc3\xa9canicien de machine fixe.Certificat de qualification de classe 3B **Exp\xc3\xa9rience en entretien m\xc3\xa9caniqueExp\xc3\xa9rience en CVAC (Chauffage, Ventilation, Air Climatis\xc3\xa9)Comp\xc3\xa9tence pour le service \xc3\xa0 la client\xc3\xa8leMa\xc3\xaetrise du fran\xc3\xa7ais (oral et \xc3\xa9crit)Anglais fonctionnel parl\xc3\xa9 et \xc3\xa9critBonne compr\xc3\xa9hension et lecture de langlaisEsprit d\xc3\xa9quipe et positivismeAutonomieAtoutCertificat de qualification de classe 2A**Note : Le candidat retenu sengage \xc3\xa0 faire les d\xc3\xa9marches n\xc3\xa9cessaires pour lobtention de la classe 2A.Nos attentesMaintenir les accr\xc3\xa9ditations gouvernementales n\xc3\xa9cessaires.Pr\xc3\xaater assistance dans les situations durgences et effectuer des r\xc3\xa9parations sur des syst\xc3\xa8mes de m\xc3\xa9caniques du b\xc3\xa2timent jusquau retour de personnes qualifi\xc3\xa9es.Effectuer des t\xc3\xa2ches dentretien tel que peinturer, nettoyager et \xc3\xa9tiquetage sur les syst\xc3\xa8mes CVAC (chauffage, ventilation, air climatis\xc3\xa9) et de compression dair.S\'assurer de lapprovisionnement de carburant et de produits chimiques pour les syst\xc3\xa8mes de la centrale d\xc3\xa9nergie.Compl\xc3\xa9ter toutes documentations requises, saisir et rechercher les donn\xc3\xa9es dans les divers syst\xc3\xa8mes d\'information, et tenir \xc3\xa0 jour les registres appropri\xc3\xa9s des divers param\xc3\xa8tres afin d\xc3\xa9tablir des op\xc3\xa9rations efficaces avec le contr\xc3\xb4le statistique des proc\xc3\xa9d\xc3\xa9s.\xc3\x80 quoi ressemblera votre quotidien?Soccuper de l\'entretien pr\xc3\xa9ventif, pr\xc3\xa9dire et appliquer les correctifs de machineries et \xc3\xa9quipements pour la production de vapeur, chauffage, air comprim\xc3\xa9, climatisation, ventilation et eau industrielleInstaller et assembler des \xc3\xa9quipements selon les besoins op\xc3\xa9rationnels.Effectuer un diagnostic pour identifier la source du probl\xc3\xa8me, d\xc3\xa9monter la machinerie jusqu\'aux pi\xc3\xa8ces d\xc3\xa9fectueuses, maintenir lint\xc3\xa9grit\xc3\xa9 des \xc3\xa9quipements.Estimer l\'\xc3\xa9tendue des t\xc3\xa2ches et le mat\xc3\xa9riel requis pour effectuer les r\xc3\xa9parations ou remplacements et organiser son travail en collaboration avec les autres m\xc3\xa9tiers.Installer, remplacer, r\xc3\xa9parer, ajuster et aligner les pi\xc3\xa8ces de divers \xc3\xa9quipements tels que contr\xc3\xb4les de temp\xc3\xa9rature, r\xc3\xa9gulateurs, enregistreurs, r\xc3\xa9ducteurs de pression et unit\xc3\xa9 de combustion \xc3\xa0 contr\xc3\xb4le automatique.Utiliser les outils et appareillages appropri\xc3\xa9s afin de v\xc3\xa9rifier les param\xc3\xa8tres, lajustement et le calibrage pour en assurer le bon fonctionnement.Surveiller, conduire et entretenir des \xc3\xa9quipements tel que des g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rateurs de vapeur, r\xc3\xa9frig\xc3\xa9ration, compression dair, chauffage et eau industrielle.Proc\xc3\xa9der \xc3\xa0 des ajustements sur un assortiment dappareil de haute pression et conditionnement dair.Diversit\xc3\xa9, \xc3\xa9quit\xc3\xa9 et inclusionLe g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rique masculin est utilis\xc3\xa9 sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d\'all\xc3\xa9ger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l\xc3\xa9quit\xc3\xa9 en mati\xc3\xa8re demploi et est d\xc3\xa9termin\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 encourager la diversit\xc3\xa9 et linclusion. Nous sommes heureux d\xc3\xa9tudier la demande demploi de tous les candidats qualifi\xc3\xa9s, sans \xc3\xa9gard \xc3\xa0 leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalit\xc3\xa9 dorigine, \xc3\xa2ge, handicap, statut dancien combattant ou tout autre statut prot\xc3\xa9g\xc3\xa9 par la loi.Bien que toutes les demandes d\'emplois soient prises en consid\xc3\xa9ration, seuls les candidats retenus seront contact\xc3\xa9s.Who we are?At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed and will continue to transform the world. That's why we work with an explorer's heart and a perfectionist's grit to design, build and service the world's most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio - including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation - and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers.What we offerA renowned, global companyInnovative, state-of-the-art products and technology: next-generation aircraft and helicopter engines (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.)Development of green and sustainable technologiesCareer development and education programsLeadership training programs and mentoringRange of employee benefits, savings plan and pension planRecognized environmental, health and safety practicesCorporate health and wellness programs and employee resource groupsAssistance program for parental leaveA corporate culture that values diversity, equality, inclusion and community involvementWhat you need to be successful?Vocational diploma (DEP) in the mechanics of fixed machines.Branch 3B certificationBranch 2A an assetProficiency in French (oral and written)Functional spoken and written EnglishGood understanding and reading of EnglishCustomer orientedInterpersonal skills: team player and positive attitudeSelf-sufficientExperience in mechanical maintenanceExperience in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning)AssetBranch 2A certification**Note: The successful candidate undertakes to take the necessary steps to obtain Branch 2A certificationWhat are our expectations?Maintain the required government certifications.Assist in emergency situations and conducts repairs on building mechanical systems until the return of qualified personnel.Welds piping.Ensure supply of fuel and chemicals for power house systems.Complete all required documentation, enters data and performs searches in the various information systems, and updates the appropriate parameter logs in order to establish efficient operations using statistical process control.What your day to day will look like?Work from instructions, request for service sheets and established processes for preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance of steam, heating, compressed air, air conditioning and industrial water machinery and equipment.Install and assemble equipment in accordance with operational requirements.Perform a diagnostic to identify the source of the problem, disassemble machinery to remove defective parts, and maintain integrity of equipment.Estimate the scope of tasks and material required to carry out repairs or replacements, and organize work in collaboration with the other trades.Install, replace, repair, adjust and align the parts of various types of equipment such as temperature controls, regulators, recorders, pressure reducing valves and combustion units with automated controls.Use the appropriate tools and equipment to check the parameters, adjustment and calibration to ensure proper functioning.Monitor, operate and maintain equipment such as steam generators, air compressors, refrigeration, heating and industrial water equipment.Adjust an assortment of high-pressure and air conditioning devices. Perform maintenance tasks such as painting, cleaning and labelling of HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) systems and air compression systems.Weld piping.Ensure supply of fuel and chemicals for power house systems.Complete all required documentation, enter data and perform searches in the various information systems, and update the appropriate parameter logs in order to establish efficient operations using statistical process control.Diversity, equity and inclusionThe masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law.Although all job applications are considered, only successful candidates will be contacted.RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class.Privacy Policy and Terms:Click on this to read the Policy and Terms will not be responsible for any payment made to a third-party. All Terms of Use are applicable.