Overview:English version will followLe Centre de santxc3xa9 Tulattavik de LUngava est situxc3xa9 xc3xa0 Kuujjuaq. Il dispense lensemble des services de santxc3xa9 et services sociaux dans la partie est du Nunavik. Il dessert sept communautxc3xa9s Inuites avec autant de CLSC, un centre pour personnes xc3xa2gxc3xa9es et un centre hospitalier xc3xa0 Kuujjuaq. Il emploie environ 1,000 employxc3xa9s : administrateurs, professionnels, mxc3xa9decins, dentistes, psychologues, infirmiers, travailleurs sociaux, personnel de soutien, employxc3xa9s occasionnels, etc.Les communautxc3xa9s du Nunavik sont situxc3xa9es au nord du 55e parallxc3xa8le oxc3xb9 prxc3xa9vaut un climat subarctique. Il entraxc3xaene lexistence dun pergxc3xa9lisol et ne permet aucune agriculture. Le Nunavik est la plus grande rxc3xa9gion couvrant environ le tiers de la superficie globale du Quxc3xa9bec. Aucune liaison routixc3xa8re nexiste entre les communautxc3xa9s du Nunavik et le Quxc3xa9bec mxc3xa9ridional, ni entre les communautxc3xa9s du Nunavik elles-mxc3xaames. On a accxc3xa8s xc3xa0 cette rxc3xa9gion et xc3xa0 ses communautxc3xa9s que par avion et par bateau. Responsibilities:Poste xc3xa0 temps complet permanent ( 35h/ semaine )SUPxc3x89RIEUR: Coordonnateur des services techniquesDxc3x89BUT DE L'EMPLOI: Dxc3xa8s que possibleSERVICES TECHIQUES :Les services techniques entretiennent et maintiennent les actifs immobiliers du CSTU incluant notamment lhxc3xb4pital de Kuujjuaq, les CLSC et Centres de rxc3xa9adaptation de 11 villages nordiques et plus de 255 logements.FONCTIONS:Personne responsable de lapprovisionnement, de la rxc3xa9ception, de la vxc3xa9rification, de la classification, de lemmagasinage, de linventaire et le la distribution des marchandises aux diffxc3xa9rentes unitxc3xa9s des services techniques. Elle peut aussi rencontrer les reprxc3xa9sentants des fournisseurs rxc3xa9guliers de lxc3xa9tablissement. Devra voyager dans les diffxc3xa9rents villages du NunavikDe faxc3xa7on plus spxc3xa9cifique;Classer et ordonner le matxc3xa9riel des aires dentreposage des services techniques incluant les villages;Maintenir linventaire des pixc3xa8ces, outils et consommables des services techniques incluant les villages;Procxc3xa9der aux commandes annuelles (par voie maritime), pxc3xa9riodiques et ponctuelles;Expxc3xa9dier les xc3xa9quipements et le matxc3xa9riel en village;Distribuer le matxc3xa9riel aux employxc3xa9s selon leurs bons de travail;Procxc3xa9der xc3xa0 linventaire annuel;Prxc3xa9parer les expxc3xa9ditions de produits dangereux;Participer xc3xa0 la mise en place dun systxc3xa8me dinventaire informatiqueMaintenir linventaire des bouteilles doxygxc3xa8ne pour lhxc3xb4pital;Maintenir et faire le suivi des rxc3xa9servoirs de propane pour la cuisine de de lhxc3xb4pital;Faire le suivi et la rxc3xa9ception du matxc3xa9riel.Qualifications:Diplxc3xb4me Sec V;Expxc3xa9rience souhaitable dune annxc3xa9e dans un poste similaire;Connaissance du fonctionnement de linventaire dun magasin;Connaissance des matxc3xa9riaux de la construction un atout;Expxc3xa9rience avec un logiciel ou progiciel de gestion des ressources matxc3xa9rielles et financixc3xa8res (Espresso GRM/GRF un atout majeur);Connaissance intermxc3xa9diaire de la suite Office, dont Excel, connaissance de lInuktitut serait un atout ;Possxc3xa9der un permis de conduire valide;Excellente maxc3xaetrise du franxc3xa7ais et de langlais fonctionnel;Sens des prioritxc3xa9s, initiative et capacitxc3xa9 danalyse;Sens de lorganisation et autonomie;Capacitxc3xa9 xc3xa0 soulever une charge de 20 xc3xa0 50 lb;Disponible xc3xa0 voyager dans les diffxc3xa9rents villages du NunavikDes tests pourront xc3xaatre administrxc3xa9s pour valider les connaissances et les habiletxc3xa9sSALAIRE: 845.95$ xc3xa0 920.50$ / 35 heuresPRIME Dxc3x89LOIGNEMENT: 221,92$ / semPRIME VIE CHxc3x88RE: 74,17$ / sem.PRIME DE Rxc3x89TENTION: 34.78$/sem.Toute personne salarixc3xa9e recrutxc3xa9e au Quxc3xa9bec xc3xa0 plus de cinquante (50) kilomxc3xa8tres de la localitxc3xa9 oxc3xb9 elle est appelxc3xa9e xc3xa0 exercer ses fonctions, aura droit aux sorties annuelles et au logement fourni selon son statut. Le logement peut xc3xaatre partagxc3xa9 ou transit si la situation le requiert.Faire parvenir votre cv en francais ou en anglaisThe Ungava Tulattavik Health Center is located in Kuujjuaq and offers the whole health and social services in the eastern part of Nunavik. Serving seven Inuit communities with an equal number of CLSC, a center for the elderly and the hospital in Kuujjuaq, it employs approximately 1,000 employees: administrators, professionals, doctors, dentists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, support staff, etc.Nunavik communities are located north of the 55th parallel where a subarctic climate prevails. It implies the existence of permafrost allowing no agriculture. Nunavik is the largest region covering about a third of the total area of Quebec. No road link exists between the communities of Nunavik and southern Quebec, and between Nunavik communities themselves. We have access to the region and its communities by air travel and by boat.STATUS: Permanent full-time position (35 h/week)SUPERIOR: Coordinator of Technical ServicesSTARTING DATE: As soon as possibleTECHNICAL SERVICES:The technical services department maintains the real estate assets of the UTHC, including the hospital in Kuujjuaq, the CLSCs and rehabilitation centers in 11 northern villages and more than 255 housing units.FUNCTIONS:Responsible for the supply, receipt, verification, classification, storage, inventory and distribution of goods to the various technical services units. May also meet with representatives of the facility's regular suppliers. Will be required to travel to different villages in NunavikMore specifically;Classify and order the material in the storage areas of the technical services including the villages;Maintain the inventory of parts, tools and consumables for the technical services (including the villages);Proceed with annual (by sea), periodic and punctual orders;Ship equipment and materials to villages;Distribute material to employees according to their work orders;Carry out the annual inventory;Prepare shipments of dangerous products;Participate in the implementation of a computerized inventory system;Maintain the inventory of oxygen cylinders for the hospital;Maintain and track propane tanks for the hospital kitchen;Track and receive cargo.REQUIREMENTS:Sec V degree;One year experience in a similar position ;Knowledge of store inventory operations;Knowledge of construction materials is an asset;Experience with a material and financial resources management software or package (Espresso GRM/GRF an asset);Intermediate knowledge of the Office suite, including Excel;Possess a valid driver's license;Excellent knowledge of French and functional English (written and spoken), knowledge of Inuktitut would be an asset;Sense of priorities, initiative and analytical skills;Organizational skills and autonomy;Ability to lift a load of 20 to 50 lbs;Available to travel to different villages in Nunavik.Tests may be administered to validate knowledge and abilities.SALARY: $845.95/week to $920,50 (35 hours/week)ISOLATION PREMIUM: $221.92$/weekCARGO PREMIUM: $74,17/WeekRETENTION PREMIUM: 34.78$/ weekAny employee recruited in Quebec more than 50 kilometers from the locality in which she/he is called upon to perform her/his duties, will be granted annual trips and lodging unit as per her/his status. May be shared lodging or transit if necessary.PLEASE SEND YOUR APPLICATION IN FRENCH OR ENGLISH
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