Directeur(rice) Des Ressources Humaines Regulier à  Temps Plein /; Director Of Human Resources Regular Full Time

Gatineau, QC, Canada

Job Description


R\xc3\xa9gulier \xc3\xa0 temps plein

Bureau du Commission Scolaire

Nous, la Commission scolaire Western Qu\xc3\xa9bec, reconnaissons que les terres sur lesquelles nous vivons, apprenons et travaillons sont le territoire traditionnel non c\xc3\xa9d\xc3\xa9 des Algonquins Anishinaabe. Nous les remercions de partager ces terres et nous nous engageons, en tant qu\'organisation, en tant qu\'\xc3\xa9ducateurs et en tant qu\'individus, \xc3\xa0 entretenir une relation continue qui reconna\xc3\xaet et respecte les terres, les traditions et la culture du peuple Anishinaabe. La Commission scolaire Western Qu\xc3\xa9bec s\'est engag\xc3\xa9e \xc3\xa0 b\xc3\xa2tir une communaut\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa9ducative dans le but commun de r\xc3\xa9aliser le potentiel de tous nos \xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa8ves en cultivant un solide corps de soutien et d\'excellence professionnelle, p\xc3\xa9dagogique et administrative. Nous encourageons donc les candidatures des Autochtones, ainsi que celles d\'autres groupes racialis\xc3\xa9s, des personnes vivant avec un handicap, des personnes de confession religieuse et des minorit\xc3\xa9s de genre. En tant qu\'organisation, nous nous effor\xc3\xa7ons de recruter des personnes qui refl\xc3\xa8tent les communaut\xc3\xa9s que nous servons et qui incarnent et pratiquent l\'amour de l\'apprentissage tout au long de la vie, le travail d\'\xc3\xa9quipe et l\'\xc3\xa9thique professionnelle la plus \xc3\xa9lev\xc3\xa9e. Nos efforts pour obtenir une main-d\'\xc5\x93uvre diversifi\xc3\xa9e qui contribue \xc3\xa0 un environnement de travail culturellement s\xc3\xbbr comprennent la mise en place de pratiques d\'emploi proactives pour lutter contre les barri\xc3\xa8res syst\xc3\xa9miques et l\'\xc3\xa9limination des obstacles \xc3\xa0 l\'embauche et au maintien en poste de personnes qualifi\xc3\xa9es.

Le poste de directeur des ressources humaines comporte la responsabilit\xc3\xa9 de tous les programmes et activit\xc3\xa9s relatifs \xc3\xa0 la gestion des ressources humaines de la commission scolaire. La fonction comprend notamment la responsabilit\xc3\xa9 de l\'ensemble des programmes et activit\xc3\xa9s relatifs \xc3\xa0 la dotation, \xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9valuation, aux relations de travail, \xc3\xa0 la r\xc3\xa9mun\xc3\xa9ration, \xc3\xa0 la classification, aux avantages sociaux, \xc3\xa0 la sant\xc3\xa9 et \xc3\xa0 la s\xc3\xa9curit\xc3\xa9 au travail, au perfectionnement, au d\xc3\xa9veloppement et \xc3\xa0 la formation des ressources humaines, \xc3\xa0 la planification de la main-d\'\xc5\x93uvre, \xc3\xa0 l\'am\xc3\xa9nagement du temps de travail, \xc3\xa0 la mobilisation du personnel et au d\xc3\xa9veloppement organisationnel. Le poste consiste \xc3\xa0 jouer un r\xc3\xb4le cl\xc3\xa9 de conseil et d\'expertise aupr\xc3\xa8s du directeur g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9ral et de l\'ensemble des administrateurs de la commission scolaire afin de favoriser une gestion optimale des ressources humaines.

D\'une mani\xc3\xa8re g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rale, ce poste comporte les responsabilit\xc3\xa9s suivantes :

\xc3\x89laborer les objectifs et les strat\xc3\xa9gies de la commission scolaire en mati\xc3\xa8re de ressources humaines dont le titulaire est responsable et, le cas \xc3\xa9ch\xc3\xa9ant, d\xc3\xa9terminer le plan d\'action annuel.

Veiller \xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9laboration de politiques et de programmes relatifs \xc3\xa0 la gestion des ressources humaines de la commission scolaire, notamment en ce qui concerne la planification des ressources et le renouvellement de la main-d\'\xc5\x93uvre.

Pr\xc3\xa9parer le plan de recrutement de la commission scolaire.

Superviser le recrutement, la s\xc3\xa9lection, l\'engagement, la fid\xc3\xa9lisation et la classification des emplois du personnel.

Superviser les activit\xc3\xa9s de gestion des relations du travail, telles que l\'application et l\'interpr\xc3\xa9tation des conventions collectives et du droit du travail, l\'analyse et la r\xc3\xa9solution des plaintes et des griefs, ainsi que les n\xc3\xa9gociations locales.

Veiller au maintien d\'un climat harmonieux en mati\xc3\xa8re de relations de travail.

Agir comme repr\xc3\xa9sentant de la commission scolaire en mati\xc3\xa8re de relations de travail ou dans toute autre mati\xc3\xa8re relevant de sa responsabilit\xc3\xa9.

Assurer l\'application et le suivi de tous les contrats de travail ainsi que des politiques, proc\xc3\xa9dures et directives relatives aux diff\xc3\xa9rents r\xc3\xa9gimes de r\xc3\xa9mun\xc3\xa9ration et d\'avantages sociaux du personnel.

Assurer l\'organisation, le d\xc3\xa9veloppement et la mise en \xc5\x93uvre de programmes de sant\xc3\xa9 et de s\xc3\xa9curit\xc3\xa9 pour le personnelde la commission scolaire.

Veiller \xc3\xa0 ce que les besoins d\'am\xc3\xa9lioration professionnelle soient identifi\xc3\xa9s et analys\xc3\xa9s et superviser l\'\xc3\xa9laboration de programmes de formation et d\'enrichissement professionnel.

Cr\xc3\xa9er et fournir des outils de gestion des ressources humaines adapt\xc3\xa9s aux besoins des \xc3\xa9tablissements et autres unit\xc3\xa9s administratives.

Mettre en place et promouvoir des mesures de consultation et de coop\xc3\xa9ration.

Soutenir les membres du conseil des commissaires en veillant \xc3\xa0 ce que les informations pertinentes leur soient communiqu\xc3\xa9es.

Intervenir, si n\xc3\xa9cessaire, dans les \xc3\xa9tablissements et les unit\xc3\xa9s administratives de la commission scolaire afin d\'\xc3\xa9valuer les situations probl\xc3\xa9matiques et de trouver des solutions appropri\xc3\xa9es.

Participer \xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9laboration des objectifs et des politiques du commission scolaire.

D\xc3\xa9finir des objectifs et des politiques sp\xc3\xa9cifiques aux d\xc3\xa9partements qu\'ils g\xc3\xa8rent, en tenant compte des politiques et des objectifs g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9raux de la commission scolaire.

\xc3\x89tablir la r\xc3\xa9partition des responsabilit\xc3\xa9s, des normes et des proc\xc3\xa9dures pour la mise en \xc5\x93uvre des programmes de leur direction.

\xc3\x89valuer les r\xc3\xa9sultats de la mise en \xc5\x93uvre de leur programme de gestion.

Diriger, contr\xc3\xb4ler et \xc3\xa9valuer les performances du personnel plac\xc3\xa9 sous sa responsabilit\xc3\xa9 imm\xc3\xa9diate.

\xc3\x89tablir le budget de son service et contr\xc3\xb4ler les d\xc3\xa9penses.

Assister et conseiller le Directeur G\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9ral ainsi que les responsables des autres services et \xc3\xa9tablissements, pour les services plac\xc3\xa9s sous leur responsabilit\xc3\xa9.

Gestion g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rale du conseil scolaire :
Participer \xc3\xa0 la d\xc3\xa9finition et \xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9laboration de la vision, des valeurs organisationnelles, des strat\xc3\xa9gies, des objectifs et des priorit\xc3\xa9s ;

Participer \xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9laboration et \xc3\xa0 la mise \xc3\xa0 jour des politiques et des r\xc3\xa8glements et veiller \xc3\xa0 leur application ;

Collaborer avec d\'autres membres du personnel \xc3\xa0 la pr\xc3\xa9paration du plan de recrutement et \xc3\xa0 l\'allocation du budget ;

Repr\xc3\xa9senter la commission scolaire en mati\xc3\xa8re de ressources humaines.

Gestion des ressources humaines, financi\xc3\xa8res, mat\xc3\xa9rielles et d\'information

Formuler des recommandations concernant le plan de recrutement ;

S\xc3\xa9lectionner ou participer \xc3\xa0 la s\xc3\xa9lection du personnel ;

D\xc3\xa9terminer les t\xc3\xa2ches, g\xc3\xa9rer et animer le personnel tout en assurant sa supervision et son \xc3\xa9valuation ;

\xc3\x89laborer un plan de formation et de perfectionnement professionnel pour le personnel de l\'unit\xc3\xa9 administrative ;

Veiller \xc3\xa0 ce que l\'information soit diffus\xc3\xa9e ;

Pr\xc3\xa9parer, g\xc3\xa9rer et contr\xc3\xb4ler le budget ;

Identifier les besoins et les priorit\xc3\xa9s en mati\xc3\xa8re de fournitures, d\'\xc3\xa9quipements et de mat\xc3\xa9riels et assurer un contr\xc3\xb4le ad\xc3\xa9quat des stocks ;

Veiller \xc3\xa0 ce que les ressources d\'information soient d\xc3\xa9velopp\xc3\xa9es, appliqu\xc3\xa9es et mises \xc3\xa0 jour ;

Assumer toute autre responsabilit\xc3\xa9 compatible avec la fonction qui peut lui \xc3\xaatre confi\xc3\xa9e par le directeur g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9ral.

Qualifications Minimales Requises :
Dipl\xc3\xb4me de premier cycle dans un domaine d\'\xc3\xa9tude pertinent certifiant un programme universitaire d\'au moins trois ans ou occuper un poste de cadre sup\xc3\xa9rieur ou de cadre dirigeant, \xc3\xa0 l\'exception de celui de gestionnaire, dans un conseil scolaire.

Huit ann\xc3\xa9es d\'exp\xc3\xa9rience pertinente.

Bilingue (fran\xc3\xa7ais et anglais)

Connaissance pratique des logiciels : GPI, Paie (GRICS), Access et Excel.

Conditions de Travail :
Les conditions de travail et le salaire sont d\xc3\xa9termin\xc3\xa9s par le R.R.C.E.M. (R\xc3\xa8glement relatif aux conditions d\'emploi du personnel d\'encadrement).

Lieu de travail : Bureau de la Commission Scolaire, Gatineau Qu\xc3\xa9bec.


avant le 14 juin 2023 \xc3\xa0 16 heures.

Seuls les candidats retenus pour un entretien seront contact\xc3\xa9s.



Regular full-time

Western Quebec School Board Office

We, the Western Quebec School Board, acknowledge that the lands upon which we live, learn, and work are the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe peoples. We thank them for sharing these lands and commit, as an organization, as educators and as individuals, to an ongoing relationship that recognizes and respects the lands, traditions, and culture of the Anishinaabe people. The Western Quebec School Board is committed to building an educational community with the common purpose to realize the potential of all our students by cultivating a strong corps of support, professional, teaching, and administrative excellence. We therefore encourage applications from Indigenous people, as well as from other racialized people groups, persons living with a disability, people of religious faith, and gender minorities. As an organization, we strive to hire individuals who reflect the communities we serve, and who embody and practice a love of life-long learning, teamwork, and the highest professional ethics. Our efforts to achieve a diverse workforce that contributes to a culturally safe working environment include establishing proactive employment practices to address systemic barriers and removing obstacles to hiring and retaining qualified people.

The position of Director of Human Resources entails responsibility for all the programs and activities pertaining to the management of the human resources of the school board. The position includes, in particular, responsibility for all the programs and activities pertaining to staffing, evaluation, labour relations, remuneration, classification, fringe benefits, occupational health and safety, professional improvement, human resources development and training, manpower planning, organization of working time, staff mobilization and organizational development. The position consists in playing a key role in providing advice and expertise to the director general and to all the administrators of the school board so as to promote the optimal management of human resources.

In general, this position includes the following responsibilities:

Develop the objectives and strategies of the school board dealing with human resources for which the incumbent is responsible and, where applicable, determine the annual action plan.

Ensure that policies and programs related to the human resources management of the school board are developed; in particular, dealing with resource planning and manpower renewal.

Prepare the staffing plan of the school board.

Oversee staff recruitment, selection, engagement, retention, and job classification.

Oversee the management activities related to labour relations management such as application and interpretation of collective agreements and labour laws, analyzing and resolving complaints and grievances as well as local negotiations.

Ensure that a harmonious labour relations climate is maintained.

Act as the representative of the school board in labour relations matters or in any other matter under their responsibility.

Ensure the application and follow-up of all labour contracts as well as the policies, procedures and directives relating to the various remuneration and fringe benefit plans for staff.

Ensure the organization, development and implementation of health and safety programs for school board staff.

Ensure that professional improvement needs are identified and analyzed and oversee the development of training and job enrichment programs.

Create and provide human resources management tools adapted to the needs of the institutions and other administrative units.

Put in place and promote consultation and cooperation measures.

Support the administrators of the school board by ensuring that pertinent information is provided to them.

Intervene, if necessary, in the institutions and administrative units of the school board in order to assess problem situations and to find appropriate solutions.

Participate in the development of school board objectives and policies.

Define objectives and policies specific to the departments they manage, taking into account the overall policies and objectives of the school service center.

Establish the programs division of responsibilities, standard and procedures for implementing their directorate\xe2\x80\x99s programs.

Evaluate the results of implementing their management program.

Direct, monitor and evaluate the performance of staff under their immediate responsibility.

Draw up their department\xe2\x80\x99s budget and monitor expenditure.

Assist and advise the Director, as well as the managers of other departments and establishments, on the services under their responsibility.

Overall management of the school board

Participate in defining and developing the vision, organizational values, strategies, objectives and priorities;

Participate in developing and updating policies and by-laws and ensure that they are applied;

Collaborate with other staff members in preparing the staffing plan and in allocating the budget;

Represent the school board in human resources matters.

Management of human, financial, material and information resources

Formulate recommendations concerning the staffing plan;

Select or participate in selecting staff;

Determine the duties; manage and animate staff while ensuring its supervision and evaluation;

Develop a professional improvement and training plan for the staff of the administrative unit;

Ensure that information is circulated;

Prepare, administer and monitor the budget;

Identify the needs and priorities in supplies, equipment and materials as well as ensure proper inventory control;

Ensure that information resources are developed, applied and updated;

Assume any other responsibility compatible with the function that may be assigned to him or her by the Director General.

Minimum Required Qualifications:
Undergraduate degree in a relevant field of study certifying a minimum three-year university program or hold a senior executive or senior staff position, excluding that of manager, in a school board.

Permanent teaching authorization issued by the Minister for employment in the field of teaching.

Eight years of relevant experience.

Fluently Bilingual (French and English)

Working knowledge of software programs: GPI, Paie (GRICS), Access, and Excel.

Working Conditions:
Working conditions and salary determined by R.R.C.E.M. (Regulation Respecting Condition of Employment of Management Staff).

Place of Work: Western Quebec School Board Office.


by 4:00 p.m., June 14, 2023

Only those candidates chosen for interviews will be contacted.

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Job Detail

  • Job Id
  • Industry
    Not mentioned
  • Total Positions
  • Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Salary:
    Not mentioned
  • Employment Status
  • Job Location
    Gatineau, QC, Canada
  • Education
    Not mentioned