Contrà´leur Corporatif (amerique Du Nord)/corporate Controller, (north America)

Levis, QC, Canada

Job Description

Contr\xc3\xb4leur Corporatif (Am\xc3\xa9rique du Nord)

Sygnature Discovery est une organisation de recherche contractuelle de d\xc3\xa9couverte de m\xc3\xa9dicaments int\xc3\xa9gr\xc3\xa9e de premier plan bas\xc3\xa9e au Royaume-Uni et au Canada avec son si\xc3\xa8ge social \xc3\xa0 Nottingham et des installations suppl\xc3\xa9mentaires \xc3\xa0 Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Glasgow, Montr\xc3\xa9al et Qu\xc3\xa9bec. Son personnel de plus de 1 000 personnes, dont 900 scientifiques, sassocie \xc3\xa0 lindustrie pharmaceutique mondiale, de biotechnologie et des organisations BNL.

Depuis 2004, Sygnature Discovery a livr\xc3\xa9 plus de 40 nouveaux compos\xc3\xa9s pr\xc3\xa9cliniques et 22 compos\xc3\xa9s cliniques, avec ses scientifiques nomm\xc3\xa9s sur plus de 170 brevets. Les domaines dexpertise th\xc3\xa9rapeutiques comprennent loncologie, linflammation et limmunologie, les neurosciences, les maladies m\xc3\xa9taboliques, les maladies infectieuses, les maladies fibrotiques et plus encore. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez visiter et

\xc3\x80 propos du r\xc3\xb4le

\xc3\x80 la suite de sa r\xc3\xa9cente acquisition par Sygnature Discovery, ce nouveau poste au sein de l\'entit\xc3\xa9 canadienne NuChem Sciences supervisera l\'\xc3\xa9quipe financi\xc3\xa8re nord-am\xc3\xa9ricaine et g\xc3\xa9rera les activit\xc3\xa9s du d\xc3\xa9partement. Il/elle sera responsable de la fiabilit\xc3\xa9 de l\'information financi\xc3\xa8re ainsi que de la planification et de la communication de la performance financi\xc3\xa8re du site \xc3\xa0 une vari\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 d\'intervenants et d\'investisseurs institutionnels canadiens et europ\xc3\xa9ens.

Relevant du chef de la direction financi\xc3\xa8re de l\'Am\xc3\xa9rique du Nord, ce nouveau poste sera responsable de la pr\xc3\xa9paration des \xc3\xa9tats financiers mensuels et des diverses \xc3\xa9critures de journal, ainsi que de la pr\xc3\xa9paration de la trousse de rapports mensuels du conseil d\'administration pour les entit\xc3\xa9s canadiennes.

Profil du r\xc3\xb4le :

Ce poste sera \xc3\xa9galement responsable des t\xc3\xa2ches suivantes:

  • Planifier, diriger et coordonner toutes les fonctions op\xc3\xa9rationnelles li\xc3\xa9es \xc3\xa0 la comptabilit\xc3\xa9, y compris la gestion des comptes d\xc3\xa9biteurs, des comptes cr\xc3\xa9diteurs et des fonctions de paie;
  • Collaborer avec les directeurs de d\xc3\xa9partements europ\xc3\xa9ens et le directeur de la planification financi\xc3\xa8re et du d\xc3\xa9veloppement dans l\'\xc3\xa9tablissement et le suivi du budget annuel;
  • Analyser et expliquer les \xc3\xa9carts entre les d\xc3\xa9penses r\xc3\xa9elles, le budget et les projections;
  • Promouvoir des contr\xc3\xb4les financiers et op\xc3\xa9rationnels appropri\xc3\xa9s, en respectant les politiques et les proc\xc3\xa9dures tout en cernant les possibilit\xc3\xa9s dam\xc3\xa9lioration;
  • Favoriser lam\xc3\xa9lioration de lensemble de lentreprise gr\xc3\xa2ce \xc3\xa0 une coop\xc3\xa9ration \xc3\xa9troite avec les chefs de service, lidentification des opportunit\xc3\xa9s daugmentation de la rentabilit\xc3\xa9 et lam\xc3\xa9lioration des flux de tr\xc3\xa9sorerie;
  • Pr\xc3\xa9vision des flux de tr\xc3\xa9sorerie, y compris la gestion quotidienne de la tr\xc3\xa9sorerie, la mod\xc3\xa9lisation p\xc3\xa9riodique des flux de tr\xc3\xa9sorerie avec une gestion cibl\xc3\xa9e du fonds de roulement;
  • Organiser et superviser laudit externe annuel de chaque entreprise sous sa responsabilit\xc3\xa9 ;
  • Fournir des renseignements pour les v\xc3\xa9rifications fiscales ;
  • Participer \xc3\xa0 l\xc3\xa9laboration, \xc3\xa0 la mise \xc3\xa0 jour et \xc3\xa0 la production dindicateurs de rendement financiers cl\xc3\xa9s ;
  • Promouvoir linnovation et participer \xc3\xa0 des projets dam\xc3\xa9lioration continue des processus ;
  • Soutenir la direction avec diverses analyses et rapports financiers, sur demande ;
  • Fournir un soutien et de la formation aux membres de l\'\xc3\xa9quipe, selon les besoins.
  • Participer \xc3\xa0 des projets sp\xc3\xa9ciaux tels que la mise en \xc5\x93uvre dun nouveau syst\xc3\xa8me ERP ainsi que des acquisitions futures potentielles et / ou des projets dexpansion en cours ;

Profil du candidat :

  • Comptable qualifi\xc3\xa9 (CPA) avec une solide exp\xc3\xa9rience technique en comptabilit\xc3\xa9 et une exp\xc3\xa9rience de travail dans un r\xc3\xb4le de comptable similaire ;
  • Approche pratique avec une excellente compr\xc3\xa9hension du cycle comptable complet ;
  • Cr\xc3\xa9atif avec la capacit\xc3\xa9 de travailler dans un environnement dynamique et tr\xc3\xa9pidant
  • Motiv\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 faire partie dun chef de file mondial dans lindustrie des sciences de la vie ;
  • Il est essentiel que le candidat soit bilingue (fran\xc3\xa7ais et anglais), \xc3\xa0 la fois parl\xc3\xa9 et \xc3\xa9crit ;
  • Dexcellentes comp\xc3\xa9tences dans Excel et MS Office;
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 de travailler de mani\xc3\xa8re autonome avec de bonnes comp\xc3\xa9tences analytiques ;
  • Tr\xc3\xa8s bonne compr\xc3\xa9hension de la comptabilit\xc3\xa9 et des syst\xc3\xa8mes dentreprise (une exp\xc3\xa9rience avec Netsuite serait un atout) ;
  • Souci du d\xc3\xa9tail et capacit\xc3\xa9 de respecter les \xc3\xa9ch\xc3\xa9ances ;
  • Comp\xc3\xa9tences organisationnelles et capacit\xc3\xa9 de g\xc3\xa9rer les priorit\xc3\xa9s ;
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 de g\xc3\xa9rer un grand volume de travail et une grande vari\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 de fichiers ;
  • Approche ax\xc3\xa9e sur le service \xc3\xa0 la client\xc3\xa8le ;
  • Flexibilit\xc3\xa9 interpersonnelle, comp\xc3\xa9tences interpersonnelles.

Renseignements suppl\xc3\xa9mentaires :

Il s\'agit d\'un poste permanent avec un salaire comp\xc3\xa9titif ainsi qu\'un plan de primes et d\'incitation annuel. Nous offrons \xc3\xa9galement des avantages suppl\xc3\xa9mentaires, qui comprennent un r\xc3\xa9gime d\'assurance-maladie et de soins dentaires, une assurance-invalidit\xc3\xa9 de courte et de longue dur\xc3\xa9e, une assurance-vie, le programme de jumelage de l\'employeur REER et jusqu\'\xc3\xa0 5 semaines de vacances (plus une semaine suppl\xc3\xa9mentaire pendant la p\xc3\xa9riode des F\xc3\xaates).

Le poste sera situ\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 L\xc3\xa9vis et des voyages sont pr\xc3\xa9vus vers d\'autre site nord-am\xc3\xa9ricain et certains voyages internationaux.
Nous reconnaissons \xc3\xa9galement que l\'environnement dans lequel vous travaillez est une priorit\xc3\xa9, nous avons donc construit une culture de collaboration et de soutien avec de nombreuses opportunit\xc3\xa9s de croissance et de r\xc3\xa9ussite, adapt\xc3\xa9e aux besoins individuels et commerciaux. Cela comprend un excellent ensemble de cours de formation et de perfectionnement sur mesure pour acc\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9rer votre croissance de carri\xc3\xa8re scientifique et personnelle.
Pour plus d\'informations, visitez
ou / rejoignez notre \xc3\xa9quipe.
Si vous souhaitez rejoindre une entreprise qui place les gens au c\xc5\x93ur de ses activit\xc3\xa9s, veuillez postuler via le lien et inclure une copie de votre CV.

Nous interviewerons sur une base continue, alors sil vous pla\xc3\xaet soumettre votre demande d\xc3\xa8s que possible.

Corporate Controller, (North America)

Sygnature Discovery is a world-leading integrated drug discovery Contract Research Organisation based in the UK and Canada with its headquarters in Nottingham and additional facilities in Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Glasgow, Montreal and Quebec City. Its staff of over 1,000, which includes 900 scientists, partners with global pharma, biotech and NFP organisations.

Since 2004, Sygnature Discovery has delivered over 40 novel pre-clinical and 22 clinical compounds, with its scientists named on over 170 patents. Therapeutic areas of expertise include oncology, inflammation and immunology, neuroscience, metabolic diseases, infectious diseases, fibrotic diseases and more. To find out more, please visit and

About the role

Following its recent acquisition by Sygnature Discovery, this new position within the Canadian entity NuChem Sciences will supervise the North American accounting team and manage the department's activities. Based in Levis, the individual will be responsible for the reliability of financial information and for the planning and reporting of the site financial performance to a variety of Canadian and European stakeholders and institutional investors.

Reporting to the North American Chief Financial Officer this new position will be responsible for the preparation of the monthly financial statements and various journal entries along with the preparation of the monthly board report reporting pack for the Canadian entities.

Role Profile:

This position will also be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Plan, direct and coordinate all accounting-related operational functions including management of accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll functions;
  • Collaborate with the European departmental Directors and Director of Financial Planning & Development in establishing and monitoring the annual budget;
  • Analyze and explain variances between actual, budget and projections;
  • Promote proper financial and operational controls, adhering to policies and procedures while also identifying opportunities for improvement
  • Drive improvements across the business through close cooperation with department managers, identifying opportunities for increasing profitability and improving cashflow;
  • Cash flow forecasting including daily cash management, periodic cash flow modelling with focused working capital management;
  • Organize and supervise the annual external audit of each company under his their responsibility;
  • Provide information for tax audits;
  • Participate in the development, updating and production of financial key performance indicators;
  • Promote innovation and participate in continuous process improvement projects;
  • Support management with various financial analyses and reports as requested;
  • Providing support and training to team members as required
  • Participate in special projects such as the implementation of a new ERP system along with potential futures acquisitions and/or expansions projects currently underway;

Candidate Profile:
  • Qualified accountant (CPA) with a strong technical accounting background and demonstrable experience working in a similar accounting role;
  • Hands-on approach with an excellent understanding of the complete accounting cycle;
  • Creative with the ability to work in a dynamic, fast-paced environment
  • Motivated to be part of a world leader in the life sciences industry;
  • It is essential that the candidate is bilingual (French and English), both spoken and written;
  • Excellent skills in Excel and MS Office are a must;
  • Ability to work autonomously with good analytical skills;
  • Very good understanding of accounting and corporate systems (experience with Netsuite would be beneficial);
  • Attention to detail and ability to hit deadlines;
  • Organizational skills and ability to manage priorities;
  • Ability to handle a large volume of work and a wide variety of files;
  • Customer service-oriented approach;
  • Interpersonal flexibility, interpersonal skills.

Additional Information:

This is a permanent position with a competitive salary along with annual bonus and incentive plan. We also offer additional benefits, which include health and dental care insurance plan, short and long term disability insurance, life insurance, RRSP employers matching program and up to 5 weeks of vacation (plus one extra week during holiday season).

The position will be located in Levis with travel expected to the other North American site and some international travel.
We also recognise that the environment you work in is a priority, so we have built a collaborative and supportive culture with lots of opportunities to grow and succeed, tailored to individual and business needs. This includes an excellent set of bespoke training and development courses to accelerate both your scientific and personal career growth.
For more information, visit or
If youre interested in joining a company that places people at the heart of its business, please apply through the link and include a copy of your CV.

We will be interviewing on an ongoing basis, so please submit your application as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

Beware of fraud agents! do not pay money to get a job will not be responsible for any payment made to a third-party. All Terms of Use are applicable.

Job Detail

  • Job Id
  • Industry
    Not mentioned
  • Total Positions
  • Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Salary:
    Not mentioned
  • Employment Status
  • Job Location
    Levis, QC, Canada
  • Education
    Not mentioned