Conseiller En Architecture Senior (ci3)

Quebec City, QC, Canada

Job Description

TEHORA est pr\xc3\xa9sentement \xc3\xa0 la recherche d\xe2\x80\x99un(e) Conseiller en architecture - S\xc3\xa9nior ayant d\xe2\x80\x99excellentes aptitudes techniques, d\xe2\x80\x99excellentes connaissances et qui souhaite mettre \xc3\xa0 profit ses comp\xc3\xa9tences au sein d\xe2\x80\x99une \xc3\xa9quipe polyvalente. Sans \xc3\xaatre exhaustifs, voici les services et livrables que devront fournir la personne retenue. Description des travaux ou des biens livrables :

  • Avoir un minimum de 15 ans d\xe2\x80\x99exp\xc3\xa9rience dans le domaine des technologies de l\xe2\x80\x99information, dont au moins 10 dans les secteur de l\xe2\x80\x99architecture des TI et de la t\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9phonie;
  • Avoir des habilit\xc3\xa9s de collecte et de synth\xc3\xa8se des besoins TI, de r\xc3\xa9daction de documents de niveau technique dans le cadre de mandats \xc3\xa0 teneur informatique;

- Faire preuve d\xe2\x80\x99un esprit d\'analyse et de r\xc3\xa9solution de probl\xc3\xa8me - communiquer de fa\xc3\xa7on claire et succincte
et \xc3\xa9valuer efficacement l\'information pour prendre des d\xc3\xa9cisions. Anticiper les obstacles et \xc3\xa9laborer des plans pour les r\xc3\xa9soudre.
  • \xc3\x89laborer des strat\xc3\xa9gies d\xc3\xa9cisionnelles et des plans op\xc3\xa9rationnels;

  • Poss\xc3\xa9der un esprit d\'\xc3\xa9quipe et \xc3\xaatre orient\xc3\xa9 client pour \xc3\xa9valuer les diff\xc3\xa9rentes d\xc3\xa9cisions. \xc3\x89tablir des relations solides, cr\xc3\xa9er des processus en prenant en compte les pratiques, d\xc3\xa9velopper un partenariat solide pour aider \xc3\xa0 fa\xc3\xa7onner des initiatives futures;
  • \xc3\x8atre \xc3\xa0 jour dans les connaissances sur les tendances en architecture des TI et sur les nouvelles technologies disponibles sur le march\xc3\xa9 informatique ainsi que des connaissances multiplateformes contribuant \xc3\xa0 la d\xc3\xa9finition d\xe2\x80\x99une strat\xc3\xa9gie technologique \xc3\xa0 long terme. De plus, suivre r\xc3\xa9guli\xc3\xa8rement les tendances, les meilleures pratiques ainsi que recommander des am\xc3\xa9liorations op\xc3\xa9rables et conforme \xc3\xa0 la strat\xc3\xa9gie globale d\xe2\x80\x99infrastructure des TI;

  • Avoir une exp\xc3\xa9rience en r\xc3\xa9vision, am\xc3\xa9lioration et optimisation des processus d\xe2\x80\x99exploitation des infrastructures informatiques;

  • Exp\xc3\xa9rience de mod\xc3\xa9lisation des co\xc3\xbbts et b\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9fices afin d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9laborer des propositions d\xe2\x80\x99affaire convaincantes;
  • Contribuer \xc3\xa0 la r\xc3\xa9daction de devis techniques afin de compl\xc3\xa9ter des demandes d\xe2\x80\x99avis d\xe2\x80\x99int\xc3\xa9r\xc3\xaats et des appels d\xe2\x80\x99offres;

  • Exp\xc3\xa9rience avec plusieurs des technologies suivantes :
  • Infonuagique (Iaas, PaaS, SaaS et ITaaS ou SDDC);

  • Technologies de virtualisation (VMware);
  • Publication des applications (Microsoft, Citrix);

  • Technologies Microsoft (Active Directory, IIS, .NET et outils de collaboration);
  • Syst\xc3\xa8mes d\xe2\x80\x99exploitation (Microsoft, Oracle);

  • Exp\xc3\xa9rience avec plusieurs des technologies suivantes :
  • R\xc3\xa9seaux LAN/WAN/MAN/DMZ;

  • VLAN;
  • Tunnels VPN;

  • R\xc3\xa9seaux MPLS;
  • VoIP;

  • Pare-feu (Palo Alto);
  • Balanceur de charge (Big IP-F5);

  • Stockage de donn\xc3\xa9es (Dell Unity, Hitachi);
  • Sauvegarde et de restauration (Commvault);

  • Transferts de fichiers (MFT)
  • Surveillance (Splunk)

Exigences de base
  • D\xc3\xa9tenir un dipl\xc3\xb4me universitaire de 1er cycle en informatique (ou discipline connexe) ou un dipl\xc3\xb4me coll\xc3\xa9gial en technique de l\xe2\x80\x99informatique (ou discipline connexe) avec 20 ans d\xe2\x80\x99exp\xc3\xa9rience en informatique.
  • Excellente ma\xc3\xaetrise du fran\xc3\xa7ais et de l\xe2\x80\x99anglais, \xc3\xa9crit et parl\xc3\xa9
  • D\xc3\xa9tenir une certification TOGAF et/ou VMware est un atout

Comp\xc3\xa9tences et connaissances
  • Avoir une connaissance op\xc3\xa9rationnelle du secteur d\xe2\x80\x99exploitation des infrastructures TI;
  • Traduire les besoins fonctionnels en exigences techniques et en dessiner l\xe2\x80\x99architecture de la solution
technologique incluant les impacts sur l\xe2\x80\x99infrastructure actuel pour les projets ou les demandes de services;
  • \xc3\x89laborer les plans de transition entre les architectures actuelles et les architectures cibles et recommander la r\xc3\xa9alisation des projets qui en d\xc3\xa9coulent. Identifie les modifications n\xc3\xa9cessaires et les composants concern\xc3\xa9s : mat\xc3\xa9riels, logiciels ou la plate-forme technologique;
  • Simplifier et communiquer des solutions techniques complexes et adapter le contenu divulgu\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 un public diversifi\xc3\xa9 comprenant des gestionnaires et des professionnels de la sant\xc3\xa9;

  • Capable d\xe2\x80\x99animer des groupes de discussions et faire des pr\xc3\xa9sentations orales;
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 de travailler en \xc3\xa9quipe, \xc3\xa9coute active et autonomie et initiative dans la r\xc3\xa9alisation de ses t\xc3\xa2ches;

  • Grande capacit\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 g\xc3\xa9rer plusieurs t\xc3\xa2ches en m\xc3\xaame temps et de g\xc3\xa9rer les changements de priorit\xc3\xa9s d\xe2\x80\x99un environnement dynamique;
  • Connaissance du r\xc3\xa9seau de la sant\xc3\xa9, et notamment des r\xc3\xa9formes r\xc3\xa9centes.

LIEU DE TRAVAIL Le lieu de travail sera d\xc3\xa9termin\xc3\xa9 selon le mandat, il peut \xc3\xaatre en t\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9 travail ou chez le client. POURQUOI SE JOINDRE \xc3\x80 TEHORA? TEHORA est une firme qu\xc3\xa9b\xc3\xa9coise multidisciplinaire reconnue pour l\'excellence de ses services professionnels, de nature technique et de gestion de projets \xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9chelle nationale et internationale. Notre mission est d\'accompagner nos clients dans la concr\xc3\xa9tisation de leurs projets par l\'excellence de notre savoir-faire et de notre cr\xc3\xa9ativit\xc3\xa9. Depuis sa cr\xc3\xa9ation en 2017, notre \xc3\xa9quipe de professionnels connait une croissance exponentielle en r\xc3\xa9pondant aux besoins importants en gestion de projets multidisciplinaires, dans le domaine des transports, du g\xc3\xa9nie civil, du TI et plus. Nos collaborateurs travaillent sur des mandats aussi bien \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99interne que chez des clients d\xe2\x80\x99envergures. TEHORA se distingue par sa culture d\xe2\x80\x99entreprise, ax\xc3\xa9e sur le bonheur de ses employ\xc3\xa9s et la diversit\xc3\xa9. Chez TEHORA, chaque collaborateur est un membre important de l\'\xc3\xa9quipe qui contribue \xc3\xa0 notre succ\xc3\xa8s collectif. Nos membres ont la flexibilit\xc3\xa9 requise pour avoir un \xc3\xa9quilibre entre le travail et leur vie priv\xc3\xa9e, tout en menant une carri\xc3\xa8re enrichissante. Nous offrons un environnement de travail motivant. La diversit\xc3\xa9 des projets, la grande autonomie et l\xe2\x80\x99interaction directe avec les clients sont appr\xc3\xa9ci\xc3\xa9es. Une telle proximit\xc3\xa9 est possible en raison de notre structure organisationnelle horizontale, qui se traduit par des relations de confiance et une communication efficace entre notre \xc3\xa9quipe et les clients. AVANTAGES Du t\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9travail et de la flexibilit\xc3\xa9 pour s\xe2\x80\x99adapter \xc3\xa0 vos obligations familiales Une culture entrepreneuriale favorisant la cr\xc3\xa9ativit\xc3\xa9 et l\'innovation Horaires flexibles (selon le type de contrat de travail) Cong\xc3\xa9s en cas de maladie et \xc3\xa0 l\'occasion d\'\xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9nements familiaux Outils informatiques adapt\xc3\xa9s Espace de travail \xc3\xa9panouissant et motivant Initiatives sociales et environnementales Programme d\xe2\x80\x99apprentissage en milieu de travail Cheminement de carri\xc3\xa8re SALAIRE Le salaire sera calcul\xc3\xa9 sur la base du taux horaire moyen correspondant \xc3\xa0 votre profil.
TEHORA is currently looking for a Senior Architectural Advisor with excellent technical skills, excellent knowledge and who wishes to use his skills within a versatile team. Without being exhaustive, here are the services and deliverables that the successful candidate must provide. Description of work or deliverables:
  • Have a minimum of 15 years of experience in the field of information technology, including at least 10 in the IT architecture and telephony sectors;
  • Have skills in collecting and summarizing IT needs, writing technical level documents within the framework of mandates with an IT content;
- Demonstrate analytical and problem-solving skills - communicate clearly and succinctly and effectively evaluate information to make decisions. Anticipate obstacles and develop plans to resolve them.
  • Develop decision-making strategies and operational plans;
  • Have a team spirit and be customer oriented to evaluate the different decisions. Build strong relationships, create processes taking into account practices, develop a strong partnership to help shape future initiatives;
  • Be up to date in knowledge of IT architecture trends and new technologies available on the IT market as well as cross-platform knowledge contributing to the definition of a long-term technological strategy. In addition, regularly monitor trends, best practices and recommend operable improvements consistent with the overall IT infrastructure strategy;
  • Have experience in reviewing, improving and optimizing IT infrastructure operating processes;
  • Experience modeling costs and benefits to develop compelling business proposals;
  • Contribute to the drafting of technical specifications in order to complete requests for notices of interest and calls for tenders;
  • Experience with several of the following technologies:
  • Cloud computing (Iaas, PaaS, SaaS and ITaaS or SDDC);
  • Virtualization technologies (VMware);
  • Publication of applications (Microsoft, Citrix);
  • Microsoft technologies (Active Directory, IIS, .NET and collaboration tools);
  • Operating systems (Microsoft, Oracle);
  • Experience with several of the following technologies:
  • LAN/WAN/MAN/DMZ networks;
  • VLANs;
  • VPN tunnels;
  • MPLS networks;
  • VoIP;
  • Firewall (Palo Alto);
  • Load balancer (Big IP-F5);
  • Data storage (Dell Unity, Hitachi);
  • Backup and Restore (Commvault);
  • File transfers (MFT)
  • Monitoring (Splunk)
Requirements Basic Requirements
  • Hold an undergraduate university degree in computer science (or related discipline) or a college diploma in computer technology (or related discipline) with 20 years of computer experience.
  • Excellent command of French and English, written and spoken
  • Holding a TOGAF and/or VMware certification is an asset
Skills and knowledges
  • Have an operational knowledge of the IT infrastructure operating sector;
  • Translate functional needs into technical requirements and design the architecture of the solution
technology including impacts on current infrastructure for projects or service requests;
  • Develop transition plans between current architectures and target architectures and recommend the implementation of resulting projects. Identifies the necessary modifications and the components concerned: hardware, software or the technological platform;
  • Simplify and communicate complex technical solutions and adapt disclosed content to a diverse audience including managers and healthcare professionals;
  • Able to lead discussion groups and make oral presentations;
  • Ability to work in a team, active listening and autonomy and initiative in carrying out their tasks;
  • Great ability to manage multiple tasks at the same time and manage changing priorities in a dynamic environment;
  • Knowledge of the health network, and in particular of recent reforms.
Benefits WORKPLACE The place of work will be determined according to the mandate, it can be teleworking or at the client\'s. WHY JOIN TEHORA? TEHORA is a multidisciplinary Quebec firm recognized for the excellence of its professional, technical and project management services nationally and internationally. Our mission is to support our clients in the realization of their projects through the excellence of our know-how and our creativity. Since its creation in 2017, our team of professionals has experienced exponential growth by meeting the significant needs in the management of multidisciplinary projects, in the field of transport, civil engineering, IT and more. Our employees work on mandates both internally and with major clients. TEHORA is distinguished by its corporate culture, focused on the happiness of its employees and diversity. At TEHORA, each employee is an important member of the team who contributes to our collective success. Our members have the flexibility to balance work and life while pursuing rewarding careers. We offer a motivating work environment. The diversity of the projects, the great autonomy and the direct interaction with the customers are appreciated. Such closeness is possible because of our flat organizational structure, which translates into trusting relationships and effective communication between our team and clients. ADVANTAGES Teleworking and flexibility to adapt to your family obligations An entrepreneurial culture that fosters creativity and innovation Flexible hours (depending on the type of employment contract) Leave in case of illness and on the occasion of family events Adapted computer tools Fulfilling and motivating workspace Social and environmental initiatives Workplace learning program Career path SALARY The salary will be calculated on the basis of the average hourly rate corresponding to your profile.

Beware of fraud agents! do not pay money to get a job will not be responsible for any payment made to a third-party. All Terms of Use are applicable.

Job Detail

  • Job Id
  • Industry
    Not mentioned
  • Total Positions
  • Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Salary:
    Not mentioned
  • Employment Status
  • Job Location
    Quebec City, QC, Canada
  • Education
    Not mentioned