The AGCO is a regulatory Commission with a governing board and operates at arms length from government. The Commission has a high public profile and is charged with overseeing and regulating the provinces complex alcohol, gaming, horse racing, and cannabis industries. These industries have seen consolidation and globalization over the last decade and are very much international in nature. The Ontario alcohol, gaming and horse racing industries are by far the largest in Canada and among the top five in North America and generate tens of billions of dollars to the provincial economy, and through these activities, billions of dollars directly to the provinces consolidated revenue fund. The AGCO has dramatically evolved over the last five years, in response to a variety of strategic, political, economic, and operational factors. Chief among these has been the addition of various regulatory responsibilities to the AGCOs portfolio in the last few years, such as: will not be responsible for any payment made to a third-party. All Terms of Use are applicable.