Associe(e) En Communication Bilingue (hybride)/ Bilingual Communications Associate (hybrid)

Montreal, QC, Canada

Job Description

McKesson is an impact-driven, Fortune 10 company that touches virtually every aspect of healthcare. We are known for delivering insights, products, and services that make quality care more accessible and affordable. Here, we focus on the health, happiness, and well-being of you and those we serve - we care. What you do at McKesson matters. We foster a culture where you can grow, make an impact, and are empowered to bring new ideas. Together, we thrive as we shape the future of health for patients, our communities, and our people. If you want to be part of tomorrows health today, we want to hear from you.

McKesson touche la vie des patients en \xc5\x93uvrant dans pratiquement tous les secteurs des soins de sant\xc3\xa9 dans le but dam\xc3\xa9liorer la sant\xc3\xa9 en g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9ral. Chez McKesson Canada, nous cr\xc3\xa9ons un impact dans la vie de 12 millions de Canadiens, chaque jour. Nous distribuons plus de 35 000 produits \xc3\xa0 partir de 12 centres de distribution \xc3\xa0 6 300 pharmacies de d\xc3\xa9tail, 1 350 h\xc3\xb4pitaux, centres de sant\xc3\xa9 longue dur\xc3\xa9e, cliniques et \xc3\xa9tablissements de sant\xc3\xa9 partout au Canada. Toutefois, nous sommes beaucoup plus qu\'une entreprise de distribution. Nous avons automatis\xc3\xa9 2 500 pharmacies de d\xc3\xa9tail et distribuons annuellement plus de 100 millions de doses de m\xc3\xa9dicaments gr\xc3\xa2ce \xc3\xa0 nos solutions d\'automatisation. Les fabricants, les fournisseurs de soins de sant\xc3\xa9 et les patients comptent sur nous pour une gamme compl\xc3\xa8te de services qui contribuent \xc3\xa0 la qualit\xc3\xa9 et l\'int\xc3\xa9grit\xc3\xa9 des soins de sant\xc3\xa9 pour le b\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9fice de tous.

Chez McKesson, vous participerez \xc3\xa0 la cr\xc3\xa9ation de produits et de solutions qui contribuent \xc3\xa0 la r\xc3\xa9alisation de la mission de lentreprise, soit am\xc3\xa9liorer la qualit\xc3\xa9 de vie et faire progresser les soins de sant\xc3\xa9. Travailler ici repr\xc3\xa9sente une occasion d\xc3\xa9difier une industrie qui est vitale pour nous tous.

R\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 du poste

L\'associ\xc3\xa9(e) en communication a une forte \xc3\xa9thique centr\xc3\xa9e sur le client et est passionn\xc3\xa9(e) par l\'impact strat\xc3\xa9gique d\'un message efficace. Relevant du directeur principal, Communications avec la client\xc3\xa8le, le/la titulaire du poste sera un membre cl\xc3\xa9 de l\'\xc3\xa9quipe des communications avec la client\xc3\xa8le et des \xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9nements, contribuant \xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9laboration et \xc3\xa0 l\'ex\xc3\xa9cution de produits, de strat\xc3\xa9gies et de tactiques de communication visant \xc3\xa0 rehausser l\'exp\xc3\xa9rience de la client\xc3\xa8le et \xc3\xa0 stimuler l\'engagement des clients dans l\'ensemble du Qu\xc3\xa9bec. L\'associ\xc3\xa9(e) aux communications contribue \xc3\xa9galement \xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9laboration r\xc3\xa9ussie de communications d\'\xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9nements r\xc3\xa9gionaux \xc3\xa0 fort impact et de qualit\xc3\xa9, ainsi qu\'\xc3\xa0 d\'autres t\xc3\xa2ches connexes.


  • R\xc3\xa9diger et r\xc3\xa9viser une vari\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 de contenus attrayants pour des publics externes en veillant \xc3\xa0 la qualit\xc3\xa9, \xc3\xa0 la coh\xc3\xa9rence et au respect des normes de la marque ;
  • Soutenir la cr\xc3\xa9ation et la distribution des bulletins d\'information destin\xc3\xa9s aux membres des banni\xc3\xa8res de vente au d\xc3\xa9tail r\xc3\xa9gionales (toutes les deux semaines) ;
  • Coordonner la publication du contenu et assurer la liaison avec les portails des membres des banni\xc3\xa8res de vente au d\xc3\xa9tail r\xc3\xa9gionales, en cr\xc3\xa9ant des \xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9ments visuels au besoin ;
  • Aider \xc3\xa0 la cr\xc3\xa9ation de contenu et \xc3\xa0 l\'engagement des communications pour les \xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9nements des membres des banni\xc3\xa8res de vente au d\xc3\xa9tail r\xc3\xa9gionales, en collaboration avec le conseiller principal en \xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9nements et l\'\xc3\xa9quipe des \xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9nements des communications corporatives;
  • Pr\xc3\xa9parer une vari\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 de contenus pour soutenir l\'entreprise lors d\'\xc3\xa9v\xc3\xa9nements et de salons professionnels r\xc3\xa9gionaux ;
  • Jouer un r\xc3\xb4le cl\xc3\xa9 dans la coordination des projets pour soutenir le responsable r\xc3\xa9gional des communications ;
  • Collaborer \xc3\xa9troitement avec les \xc3\xa9quipes interfonctionnelles pour s\'assurer que les messages sont exacts et efficaces, et soutenir l\'ex\xc3\xa9cution en temps voulu des communications par le biais de canaux multiples ;
  • Effectuer d\'autres activit\xc3\xa9s/t\xc3\xa2ches li\xc3\xa9es au poste, selon les besoins.
Exp\xc3\xa9rience requise
  • Formation en communications ou en marketing;
  • Entre 0-2 ans d\'exp\xc3\xa9rience pertinente en communication dans des fonctions similaires, de pr\xc3\xa9f\xc3\xa9rence pour une grande organisation dans le secteur de la vente au d\xc3\xa9tail, des soins de sant\xc3\xa9 ou de l\'industrie pharmaceutique.
  • Excellentes capacit\xc3\xa9s de communication en fran\xc3\xa7ais, tant \xc3\xa0 l\'oral qu\'\xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9crit ;
  • Solides comp\xc3\xa9tences r\xc3\xa9dactionnelles en fran\xc3\xa7ais, notamment en mati\xc3\xa8re d\'\xc3\xa9criture technique, de r\xc3\xa9daction et d\'\xc3\xa9dition ;
  • Un sens aigu de la diplomatie, soutenu par un degr\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa9lev\xc3\xa9 d\'enthousiasme, de cr\xc3\xa9ativit\xc3\xa9, de comp\xc3\xa9tences interpersonnelles et d\'esprit d\'entrepreneuriat;
  • Gestion de projet tr\xc3\xa8s efficace, capacit\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 \xc3\xa9tablir des priorit\xc3\xa9s, \xc3\xa0 effectuer plusieurs t\xc3\xa2ches \xc3\xa0 la fois et \xc3\xa0 g\xc3\xa9rer le temps afin de respecter les d\xc3\xa9lais;
  • Capacit\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 cultiver des relations positives avec des clients internes et externes inter fonctionnels et des cadres dirigeants;
  • Faire preuve de professionnalisme, de confidentialit\xc3\xa9 et de discernement;
  • La connaissance et l\'exp\xc3\xa9rience d\'un syst\xc3\xa8me CMS constituent un atout;
  • Ma\xc3\xaetrise de Microsoft Office 365. Smartsheet, MailChimp, Survey Monkey et autres outils de communication num\xc3\xa9rique un atout.
Le titulaire de ce poste fournira un soutien quotidien \xc3\xa0 des clients internes et/ou externes \xc3\xa0 l\'ext\xc3\xa9rieur du Qu\xc3\xa9bec et/ou aux \xc3\x89tats-Unis. Par cons\xc3\xa9quent, il/elle doit ma\xc3\xaetriser l\'anglais, tant \xc3\xa0 l\'oral qu\'\xc3\xa0 l\'\xc3\xa9crit. Veuillez noter que le nombre de postes exigeant des comp\xc3\xa9tences en anglais a \xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 limit\xc3\xa9 dans la mesure du possible.

Niveau de carri\xc3\xa8re - IC - Professionnel - P1

McKesson is in the business of better health and we touch the lives of patients in virtually every aspect of healthcare. At McKesson Canada, we touch the lives of 12 million Canadians every day. We carry more than 35,000 products in 12 distribution centers and ultimately provide distribution to 6,300 retail pharmacies, 1,350 hospitals, long-term care centers, clinics and institutions all over Canada. But we're so much more than a distribution company. We\'ve automated 2,500 retail pharmacies and dispense over 100 million doses a year through our automation solutions.

Manufacturers, healthcare providers and patients count on us for a full range of services that contribute to the quality and safety of care for us all. At McKesson Canada, you\'ll help us carry out our mission to improve lives and advance healthcare. Working here is your opportunity to shape an industry that's vital to us all.

The Communications Associate has a strong customer-centric ethic and is passionate about the strategic impact of effective messaging. Reporting to the Sr. Director, Retail Customer Communications, the role will be a key member of the Retail Customer Communications & Events Team, contributing to the development and execution of communications products, strategies, and tactics to elevate the customer experience and drive engagement for customers across Quebec. The Communications Associate also supports the successful development of high impact, polished regional event communications and related duties.

  • Write, edit, and proofread a variety of compelling content for external audiences ensuring quality, consistency, and adherence to brand standards;
  • Support the creation and distribution of regional retail banner member newsletters (bi-weekly);
  • Coordinate the uploading of content and act as liaison for our regional retail banner member portals, creating visuals as required;
  • Assist in content creation and communications engagement for regional retail banner member events in collaboration with the Sr. Events Advisor and the Corporate Communications Events team.
  • Prepare a variety of content to support the business at regional industry events and tradeshows;
  • Play a key project coordination role to support the regional Communications Lead;
  • Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to ensure messaging is accurate and effective, and support the timely execution of communications through multiple channels;
  • Perform other position-related activities/tasks as required.
Minimum required skill
  • Typically, minimum 0-2 years of relevant experience
  • May have degree or equivalent
Additional Skills
  • Relevant background in Communications or Marketing;
  • Experience in communications with similar job scope - preferably for a large organization within the retail, healthcare, or pharmaceutical industry;
  • Strong writing skills, including technical writing, copywriting, and editing;
  • A well-defined sense of diplomacy, supported by high degree of enthusiasm, creativity, interpersonal skills, and entrepreneurial spirit;
  • Highly effective project management, prioritization, multi-tasking, and time management skills to meet deadlines;
  • Ability to cultivate positive relationships with cross-functional internal and external customers and executive leaders;
  • Demonstrates professionalism, confidentiality and uses sound judgment;
  • Knowledge and experience with a CMS system an asset;
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office 365. Smartsheet, Mailchimp, Survey Monkey and other digital communication tools an asset.
The incumbent of this position will provide daily support to internal and/or external clients outside Quebec and/or in the United States. Therefore, he/she must be proficient in spoken and written English. Please note that the number of positions requiring English language skills has been limited where possible.

Career Level - IC - Professional - P1

At McKesson, we care about the well-being of the patients and communities we serve, and that starts with caring for our people. Thats why we have a Total Rewards package that includes comprehensive benefits to support physical, mental, and financial well-being. Our Total Rewards offerings serve the different needs of our diverse employee population and ensure they are the healthiest versions of themselves. For more information regarding benefits at McKesson, please

As part of Total Rewards, we are proud to offer a competitive compensation package at McKesson. This is determined by several factors, including performance, experience and skills, equity, regular job market evaluations, and geographical markets. In addition to base pay, other compensation, such as an annual bonus or long-term incentive opportunities may be offered.

Our Base Pay Range for this position

$46,300 - $77,100

McKesson is an Equal Opportunity employer.

The material contained herein is provided for informational purpose only. All open jobs offered by McKesson on this recruitment system are subject to specific job skill requirements. The job skill requirements, qualifications, and preferred experience are determined by a subsidiary, office or department within the company which is offering the position, and all positions are subject to local prevailing employment laws and restrictions. This would include immigration laws pertaining to work authorization requirements and any other applicable government permissions or compliance.

The materials on this site are provided without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties regarding the completeness of information contained on this site or in any referenced links. While McKesson attempts to update this site on a timely basis, the information is effective only as of the time and date of posting.

McKesson is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity in its workforce. We encourage applications from all qualified individuals and will accommodate applicants\' needs, up to the point of undue hardship, throughout all stages of the recruitment and selection process.

The information on this site is for information purpose only and is not intended to be relied upon with legal consequence.

Current employees must apply through internal career site.

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Job Detail

  • Job Id
  • Industry
    Not mentioned
  • Total Positions
  • Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Salary:
    $46300 - 77100 per year
  • Employment Status
  • Job Location
    Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Education
    Not mentioned