McKesson is an impact-driven, Fortune 10 company that touches virtually every aspect of healthcare. We are known for delivering insights, products, and services that make quality care more accessible and affordable. Here, we focus on the health, happiness, and well-being of you and those we serve \xe2\x80\x93 we care. What you do at McKesson matters. We foster a culture where you can grow, make an impact, and are empowered to bring new ideas. Together, we thrive as we shape the future of health for patients, our communities, and our people. If you want to be part of tomorrow\xe2\x80\x99s health today, we want to hear from you. McKesson touche la vie des patients en \xc5\x93uvrant dans pratiquement tous les secteurs des soins de sant\xc3\xa9 dans le but d\xe2\x80\x99am\xc3\xa9liorer la sant\xc3\xa9 en g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9ral. Chez McKesson Canada, nous cr\xc3\xa9ons un impact dans la vie de 12 millions de Canadiens, chaque jour. Nous distribuons plus de 35 000 produits \xc3\xa0 partir de 12 centres de distribution \xc3\xa0 6 300 pharmacies de d\xc3\xa9tail, 1 350 h\xc3\xb4pitaux, centres de sant\xc3\xa9 longue dur\xc3\xa9e, cliniques et \xc3\xa9tablissements de sant\xc3\xa9 partout au Canada. Toutefois, nous sommes beaucoup plus qu\'une entreprise de distribution. Nous avons automatis\xc3\xa9 2 500 pharmacies de d\xc3\xa9tail et distribuons annuellement plus de 100 millions de doses de m\xc3\xa9dicaments gr\xc3\xa2ce \xc3\xa0 nos solutions d\'automatisation. Les fabricants, les fournisseurs de soins de sant\xc3\xa9 et les patients comptent sur nous pour une gamme compl\xc3\xa8te de services qui contribuent \xc3\xa0 la qualit\xc3\xa9 et l\'int\xc3\xa9grit\xc3\xa9 des soins de sant\xc3\xa9 pour le b\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9fice de tous. Chez McKesson, vous participerez \xc3\xa0 la cr\xc3\xa9ation de produits et de solutions qui contribuent \xc3\xa0 la r\xc3\xa9alisation de la mission de l\xe2\x80\x99entreprise, soit am\xc3\xa9liorer la qualit\xc3\xa9 de vie et faire progresser les soins de sant\xc3\xa9. Travailler ici repr\xc3\xa9sente une occasion d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9difier une industrie qui est vitale pour nous tous.
R\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 de l\xe2\x80\x99emploi
L\xe2\x80\x99analyste financier principal est un partenaire d\xe2\x80\x99affaires et un partenaire financier cl\xc3\xa9 du groupe Solutions technologiques. Il assume la responsabilit\xc3\xa9 de domaines financiers cl\xc3\xa9s comme le processus de planification budg\xc3\xa9taire et de pr\xc3\xa9visions \xc3\xa0 long terme et il con\xc3\xa7oit et met en \xc5\x93uvre les mod\xc3\xa8les financiers de l\xe2\x80\x99entreprise. Les t\xc3\xa2ches (responsabilit\xc3\xa9s) comprennent entre autres :
Section A \xe2\x80\x93 Responsabilit\xc3\xa9s sp\xc3\xa9cifiques
Agir en qualit\xc3\xa9 de partenaire financier pour les chefs de l\xe2\x80\x99unit\xc3\xa9 d\xe2\x80\x99affaires
Agir en qualit\xc3\xa9 de partenaire d\xe2\x80\x99affaires afin de pr\xc3\xa9voir les activit\xc3\xa9s de revenus et de d\xc3\xa9penses \xc3\xa0 venir.
Diriger le budget et pr\xc3\xa9voir les cycles de l\xe2\x80\x99unit\xc3\xa9 d\xe2\x80\x99affaires
Participer au processus d\xe2\x80\x99analyse financi\xc3\xa8re, plus particuli\xc3\xa8rement en g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rant des analyses de rentabilit\xc3\xa9 financi\xc3\xa8re et des documents \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99appui des hypoth\xc3\xa8ses
Assurer l\xe2\x80\x99am\xc3\xa9lioration des processus/syst\xc3\xa8mes sur l\xe2\x80\x99efficacit\xc3\xa9 g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rale de production de rapports, de planification et de pr\xc3\xa9visions des produits livrables
Travailler avec des \xc3\xa9quipes t interfonctionnelles, y compris la haute direction, afin de concevoir des indicateurs cl\xc3\xa9s de performance, de cr\xc3\xa9er et de tenir \xc3\xa0 jour des tableaux de bord financiers et de pr\xc3\xa9parer des pr\xc3\xa9sentations d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9tats financiers
Pr\xc3\xa9senter et suivre les risques et les occasions pour l\xe2\x80\x99unit\xc3\xa9 d\xe2\x80\x99affaires Formuler de fa\xc3\xa7on proactive des recommandations en vue d\xe2\x80\x99att\xc3\xa9nuer les risques et de concr\xc3\xa9tiser les occasions qui se pr\xc3\xa9sentent
\xc3\x89laborer et mettre en \xc5\x93uvre des processus financiers pour mieux r\xc3\xa9pondre aux besoins de chaque titulaire du centre de co\xc3\xbbts
Collaborer avec la haute direction pour pr\xc3\xa9parer des pr\xc3\xa9sentations financi\xc3\xa8res
D\xc3\xa9terminer les facteurs cl\xc3\xa9s et pr\xc3\xa9parer les tableaux de bord pour la surveillance de ces facteurs
Fournir en temps opportun des rapports exacts de fin de mois sur les \xc3\xa9carts aux principaux intervenants tous les mois
Contribuer \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99avancement de projets sp\xc3\xa9ciaux
Apporter son soutien aux d\xc3\xa9cisions, d\xc3\xa9terminer et formuler les tendances et les d\xc3\xa9veloppements futurs li\xc3\xa9s aux unit\xc3\xa9s d\xe2\x80\x99affaires soutenues
Section B \xe2\x80\x93 Exigences du poste
Baccalaur\xc3\xa9at en commerce avec sp\xc3\xa9cialisation en finance ou en gestion comptable
D\xc3\xa9tenir un titre comptable (CPA)
Exp\xc3\xa9rience de 4 ans dans un poste semblable
Section C - Autres exigences
D\xc3\xa9montrer une expertise en analyse et planification financi\xc3\xa8re D\xc3\xa9montrer une grande capacit\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 comprendre des situations d\xe2\x80\x99affaires complexes
Capacit\xc3\xa9 de g\xc3\xa9rer des \xc3\xa9ch\xc3\xa9ances serr\xc3\xa9es dans un environnement changeant, pens\xc3\xa9e strat\xc3\xa9gique et proactive, souplesse dans son attitude et son approche aux solutions d\xe2\x80\x99affaires;
Bilinguisme (fran\xc3\xa7ais et anglais) \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99oral comme \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9crit;
Esprit d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9quipe;
Poss\xc3\xa9der d\xe2\x80\x99excellentes aptitudes analytiques, \xc3\xaatre en mesure d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9tablir clairement le lien entre les r\xc3\xa9sultats financiers et les facteurs de performance op\xc3\xa9rationnelle et \xc3\xaatre en mesure de g\xc3\xa9rer et de prioriser de nombreux projets
Disposer de solides comp\xc3\xa9tences en communication, \xc3\xaatre en mesure de communiquer des probl\xc3\xa8mes op\xc3\xa9rationnels qui pourraient avoir un impact sur le rendement de l\xe2\x80\x99entreprise, et d\xc3\xa9montrer une capacit\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 \xc3\xa9tablir et \xc3\xa0 entretenir des relations Maintenir des niveaux de communication \xc3\xa0 tous les niveaux de l\xe2\x80\x99organisation et entre les diff\xc3\xa9rents segments d\xe2\x80\x99activit\xc3\xa9
Ma\xc3\xaetrise de Microsoft Office (WORD, EXCEL et POWERPOINT); Connaissance d\xe2\x80\x99Epicor et de Salesforce consid\xc3\xa9r\xc3\xa9e comme un atout;
\xc3\x8atre en mesure de remettre en question le statu quo et d\xe2\x80\x99influencer le processus d\xc3\xa9cisionnel titulaire de ce poste aura \xc3\xa0 soutenir de fa\xc3\xa7on quotidienne des clients internes et/ou externes \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99ext\xc3\xa9rieur du Qu\xc3\xa9bec et/ou aux \xc3\x89tats-Unis. Par cons\xc3\xa9quent, ce poste requiert une ma\xc3\xaetrise de l\xe2\x80\x99anglais \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9crit et \xc3\xa0 l\xe2\x80\x99oral. Veuillez noter que le nombre de postes dont les t\xc3\xa2ches requi\xc3\xa8rent une connaissance de la langue anglaise a \xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 restreint dans la mesure du possible. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ McKesson is in the business of better health, and we touch the lives of patients in virtually every aspect of healthcare. At McKesson Canada, we touch the lives of 12 million Canadians every day. We carry more than 35,000 products in 12 distribution centers and ultimately provide distribution to 6,300 retail pharmacies, 1,350 hospitals, long-term care centers, clinics and institutions all over Canada. But we\'re so much more than a distribution company. We\'ve automated 2,500 retail pharmacies and dispense over 100 million doses a year through our automation solutions. Manufacturers, healthcare providers and patients count on us for a full range of services that contribute to the quality and safety of care for us all. At McKesson Canada, you\xe2\x80\x99ll help us carry out our mission to improve lives and advance healthcare. Working here is your opportunity to shape an industry that\xe2\x80\x99s vital to us all.
Job Summary
The Senior Financial Analyst will be a key financial and business partner for the Technology Solutions group. He/She will be responsible for key financial areas such as the long-range budget plan process and forecast process, and develop and implement financial models for the business. Tasks (responsibilities) are as follows, but are not limited to:
Section A \xe2\x80\x93 Specific Responsibilities
Be the financial partner for the Business Unit leaders.
Act like a business partner to appropriately forecast upcoming revenue/expense activities.
Lead the budget and forecast cycles for the Business Unit
Participates in the financial analysis process, specifically by generating financial business cases and documenting supporting assumptions;
Process/system improvements of the overall effectiveness of reporting, planning and forecast deliverables;
Work with cross functional teams, including top management, to develop KPIs, maintain and create financial dashboards and prepare financial statement presentations;
Present and follow risks and opportunities for the Business Unit. Be proactive in providing recommendations to mitigate risks and implement opportunities;
Develop and implement financial processes to better meet the needs of each cost center owner;
Collaborates with top management to prepare financial presentations;
Identify key drivers and prepares dashboards to monitor them;
Provides accurate and on time month end variance reports to key stakeholders on a monthly basis;
Contribute to the advancement of special projects;
Provide decision support, identify, and articulate trends and emerging developments related to business units supported
Section B \xe2\x80\x93 Position Requirements
Bachelor of Commerce degree with a major in Finance or Accounting.
Must have an accounting designation (CPA)
Minimum of 4 years\xe2\x80\x99 experience in a similar position
Section C - Other Requirements
Demonstrates expertise in financial planning & analysis. Possesses a keen ability to understand complex business situations.
Able to manage tight deadlines in a changing environment, strategic and proactive thinker, with a flexible attitude and approach to business solutions.
Bilingual (French and English) \xe2\x80\x93 written and oral.
Team player
Strong analytical skills, able to clearly link financial results to operational performance drivers, and able to manage and prioritize multiple projects.
Strong communication skills, ability to communicate operational issues impacting performance of the business, including demonstrated ability to establish and nurture relationships. Maintains levels of communication with all levels of the organization and across various business segments.
Proficiency in MS Office skills \xe2\x80\x93 WORD, EXCEL, and POWERPOINT. Exposure to Epicor and Salesforce would be considered an asset.
Capable of challenging the status-quo and influencing the decision-making process.
The incumbent of this position will provide daily support to internal and/or external clients outside Quebec and/or in the United States. Therefore, he/she must be proficient in spoken and written English. Please note that the number of positions requiring English language skills has been limited where possible. At McKesson, we care about the well-being of the patients and communities we serve, and that starts with caring for our people. That\xe2\x80\x99s why we have a Total Rewards package that includes comprehensive benefits to support physical, mental, and financial well-being. Our Total Rewards offerings serve the different needs of our diverse employee population and ensure they are the healthiest versions of themselves. For more information regarding benefits at McKesson, please click here. As part of Total Rewards, we are proud to offer a competitive compensation package at McKesson. This is determined by several factors, including performance, experience and skills, equity, regular job market evaluations, and geographical markets. In addition to base pay, other compensation, such as an annual bonus or long-term incentive opportunities may be offered.
Our Base Pay Range for this position
$82,400 - $137,400 McKesson is an Equal Opportunity employer. The material contained herein is provided for informational purpose only. All open jobs offered by McKesson on this recruitment system are subject to specific job skill requirements. The job skill requirements, qualifications, and preferred experience are determined by a subsidiary, office or department within the company which is offering the position, and all positions are subject to local prevailing employment laws and restrictions. This would include immigration laws pertaining to work authorization requirements and any other applicable government permissions or compliance. The materials on this site are provided without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties regarding the completeness of information contained on this site or in any referenced links. While McKesson attempts to update this site on a timely basis, the information is effective only as of the time and date of posting. McKesson is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity in its workforce. We encourage applications from all qualified individuals and will accommodate applicants\' needs, up to the point of undue hardship, throughout all stages of the recruitment and selection process. The information on this site is for information purpose only and is not intended to be relied upon with legal consequence. Current employees must apply through internal career site. Join us at McKesson!
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