3d Metrology Specialist / Project Manager Spécialiste En Métrologie 3d / Chef De Projet

Canada, Canada

Job Description

Date Posted: 2023-07-27

Country: Canada

Location: LOC13052 1000 Boul Marie Victorin,Longueuil,Quebec,J4G 1A1,Canada

Position Role Type: Unspecified

Qui sommes-nous ?

Chez Pratt & Whitney, nous croyons que le vol motoris\xc3\xa9 a transform\xc3\xa9, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C\'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un c\xc5\x93ur d\'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste \xc3\xa0 concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d\'avion les plus avanc\xc3\xa9s et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifi\xc3\xa9 - compos\xc3\xa9 de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destin\xc3\xa9s \xc3\xa0 l\'aviation d\'affaires, g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rale et r\xc3\xa9gionale, et aux h\xc3\xa9licopt\xc3\xa8res - nous permet, ainsi qu\xc3\xa0 nos clients, de passer du possible au r\xc3\xa9el. C\'est ainsi que, chez Pratt & Whitney, nous abordons notre travail et ce qui nous inspire \xc3\xa0 nous d\xc3\xa9passer.

Nos attentes

Le Sp\xc3\xa9cialiste en M\xc3\xa9trologie 3D / Gestionnaire de Projets soutient la cha\xc3\xaene de valeur et g\xc3\xa8re les activit\xc3\xa9s dune \xc3\xa9quipe multidisciplinaire afin de r\xc3\xa9aliser des projets techniques de la cha\xc3\xaene dapprovisionnement.

Il est responsable de projets entiers ayant une \xc3\xa9tendue et une complexit\xc3\xa9 importantes. Le titulaire dirige lex\xc3\xa9cution des projets et est responsable du budget, de la planification des horaires et du contr\xc3\xb4le.

Le Sp\xc3\xa9cialiste en M\xc3\xa9trologie 3D / Gestionnaire de Projets contribue de fa\xc3\xa7on significative \xc3\xa0 la mise en place et \xc3\xa0 l\xc3\xa9volution des m\xc3\xa9thodes dinspection 3D pour la cha\xc3\xaene dapprovisionnement.

Il exerce une influence strat\xc3\xa9gique du noyau de fournisseurs afin d\'atteindre les objectifs d\'approvisionnement en mati\xc3\xa8re de qualit\xc3\xa9, de livraison et de co\xc3\xbbts.

\xc3\x80 quoi ressemblera votre quotidien ?

Les priorit\xc3\xa9s d\'appui technique ci-dessous constituent le principal niveau de responsabilit\xc3\xa9 attendu dans le cadre du poste.

Le titulaire est responsable de la r\xc3\xa9alisation des projets techniques de la cha\xc3\xaene dapprovisionnement du d\xc3\xa9but \xc3\xa0 la fin, en g\xc3\xa9rant la port\xc3\xa9e, le budget, les produits livrables et le calendrier.

  • Travailler avec une \xc3\xa9quipe multidisciplinaire qui inclus ling\xc3\xa9nierie, la qualit\xc3\xa9 et les fournisseurs et \xc3\xa9valuer les d\xc3\xa9viations dimensionnelles
  • Travail avec ling\xc3\xa9nierie, la qualit\xc3\xa9 et les fournisseurs pour assurer la bonne interpr\xc3\xa9tation et la standardisation des requis des dessins de pi\xc3\xa8ces
  • D\xc3\xa9velopper et \xc3\xa9crire les scripts en ayant pour but lautomatisation du rapport dinspection des pi\xc3\xa8ces
  • Analyse les donn\xc3\xa9es dinspection des fournisseurs et fait l\xc3\xa9tude statistique afin de quantifier la capabilit\xc3\xa9 du proc\xc3\xa9d\xc3\xa9 de fabrication
  • Travail avec les fournisseurs dans le but de r\xc3\xa9soudre des probl\xc3\xa8mes de qualit\xc3\xa9 et d\xc3\xa9velopper des plans dinspection sp\xc3\xa9cifiques
  • D\xc3\xa9veloppe et facilite limplantation de m\xc3\xa9thodes et processus dinspection 3D
  • Comprendre le but et d\xc3\xa9finir la port\xc3\xa9e des projets donn\xc3\xa9s
  • D\xc3\xa9velopper et suivre un plan budg\xc3\xa9taire d\xc3\xa9taill\xc3\xa9
  • Pr\xc3\xa9parer et pr\xc3\xa9senter lanalyse de rentabilisation du projet afin dobtenir un financement
  • Communiquer de fa\xc3\xa7on r\xc3\xa9guli\xc3\xa8re avec le client du projet
  • Diriger les membres de l\xc3\xa9quipe multidisciplinaire et fourni des mises \xc3\xa0 jour r\xc3\xa9guli\xc3\xa8rement
  • Suivre les proc\xc3\xa9dures pertinentes et le travail standard, incluant le d\xc3\xa9clenchement des processus applicables
  • Identifier et \xc3\xa9liminer les obstacles inter fonctionnels engendrant des probl\xc3\xa8mes de processus et de qualit\xc3\xa9, et alerter les dirigeants responsables au besoin si des obstacles menacent la progression du projet
  • Mener (avec l\'aide d\'une \xc3\xa9quipe s\'il y a lieu) et ex\xc3\xa9cuter les \xc3\xa9valuations (sur place si requis) avec les fournisseurs et \xc3\xa9tablir des plans d\'action
  • Analyser le rapport dinspection des pi\xc3\xa8ces et faire lanalyse statistique dans le but de comprendre la capabilit\xc3\xa9 du proc\xc3\xa9d\xc3\xa9 de fabrication
  • Travailler avec les fournisseurs pour am\xc3\xa9liorer la qualit\xc3\xa9 des pi\xc3\xa8ces et d\xc3\xa9velopper les plans dinspection
  • Diriger (avec l\'aide d\'une \xc3\xa9quipe s\'il y a lieu) l\'ex\xc3\xa9cution du plan d\'action et faire un suivi
Ce dont vous avez besoin pour r\xc3\xa9ussir
  • Baccalaur\xc3\xa9at avec 5 \xc3\xa0 10 ans dexp\xc3\xa9rience pertinente (ing\xc3\xa9nieur en m\xc3\xa9canique de pr\xc3\xa9f\xc3\xa9rence)
  • Ou 7-12 ann\xc3\xa9es dexp\xc3\xa9rience dans un r\xc3\xb4le similaire
  • Vaste compr\xc3\xa9hension de la m\xc3\xa9trologie, de linspection 3D et des tol\xc3\xa9rances g\xc3\xa9om\xc3\xa9triques
  • Comp\xc3\xa9tences dans la programmation assist\xc3\xa9 par ordinateur
  • Ma\xc3\xaetrise de la communication orale et \xc3\xa9crite en Fran\xc3\xa7ais et Anglais.
  • Master or Doctorat degree with 3 to 7 years experience
  • Licence en ing\xc3\xa9nierie (m\xc3\xa9canique/technique)
  • Exp\xc3\xa9rience en gestion de projets
  • Exp\xc3\xa9rience des proc\xc3\xa9d\xc3\xa9s de fabrication des pieces coul\xc3\xa9es Casting (Sand Casting, Investment Casting)
  • Comp\xc3\xa9tences avec CATIA, Polywork et GOM Inspect
Ce qui vous attend
  • Programme de cong\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 r\xc3\xa9mun\xc3\xa9ration diffe.
  • Garderie pour jeunes enfants.
  • Programmes davancement professionnel et de scolarisation.
  • Horaires flexibles.
  • Programmes et formations sur le leadership.
  • Gamme davantages sociaux, r\xc3\xa9gime d\xc3\xa9pargne et r\xc3\xa9gime de retraite.
  • Programme daide de financement pour les cong\xc3\xa9s parentaux.
  • Programme de reconnaissance et de r\xc3\xa9compense.
Diversit\xc3\xa9 et inclusion

Le g\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9rique masculin est utilis\xc3\xa9 sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d\'all\xc3\xa9ger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l\xc3\xa9quit\xc3\xa9 en mati\xc3\xa8re demploi et est d\xc3\xa9termin\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 encourager la diversit\xc3\xa9 et linclusion. Nous sommes heureux d\xc3\xa9tudier la demande demploi de tous les candidats qualifi\xc3\xa9s, sans \xc3\xa9gard \xc3\xa0 leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalit\xc3\xa9 dorigine, \xc3\xa2ge, handicap, statut dancien combattant ou tout autre statut prot\xc3\xa9g\xc3\xa9 par la loi.


Who we are

At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed - and will continue to transform - the world. Thats why we work with an explorers heart and a perfectionists grit to design, build, and service the worlds most advanced aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio - including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation - and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. This is how we at Pratt & Whitney approach our work, and this is why we are inspired to go beyond.

What our expectations are

The 3D Metrology Specialist / Project Manager is supporting the value stream and leads the activities of a multidisciplinary team to drive technical projects.

The 3D Metrology Specialist / Project Manager is responsible for entire projects with significant scope and complexity. The technical project manager is responsible for the management of the complete project execution, including the business case and budget.

The 3D Metrology Specialist / Project Manager is responsible to help lead the adoption and evolution of Model Based Definition, Manufacturing, and Inspection at Pratt & Whitney.

The 3D Metrology Specialist / Project Managers strategic partnership with the supply base will help us meet the company's procurement requirements in terms of quality, delivery, and cost.

What your day to day will look like

The below priorities constitute the main level of responsibility expected under this position.

The 3D Metrology Specialist / Project Manager is responsible for successfully driving supply chain technical projects to completion by managing them from beginning to end, focusing on project impact, budget, and executing deliverables within plan (schedule).
  • Work with cross-functional teams including Engineering, Quality, and suppliers to evaluate inspection deviations.
  • Work with Engineering, Quality, and suppliers to interpret and standardize drawing requirements.
  • Write and develop inspection scripts to automate inspection processes.
  • Analyze supplier inspection data and perform statistical analysis to understand process capability.
  • Work with suppliers to address quality issues and help develop part specific inspection plans.
  • Develop and adopt new 3D inspection tools and processes.
  • Understand the goal and define the scope of projects
  • Develop and follow-up on the detailed budgetary plan
  • Prepare and present the business case analysis with the goal of getting funding
  • Communicate regularly with the customer of the project
  • Lead the team members and provide regular status updates
  • Follow procedures and standard work, including the launch of the applicable processes
  • Identify and eliminate cross-functional roadblocks with respect to process and quality related issues and raise \'flags\' to the Executive Sponsor(s) as required if roadblocks place project progression in jeopardy
  • Lead (with a team if required) and perform on-site assessments of suppliers if required and establish action plans based on these assessments.
  • Lead (with a team if required) the action plans and perform follow-ups on the execution of these plans.
Tools you need to be successful

Must haves
  • Engineering Bachelors Degree (Mechanical/Technical) with 5 to 10 years of experience
  • Or 7-12 years of experience in a similar role.
  • Strong understanding of metrology, 3D inspection and GD&T.
  • Skilled in computer programming
  • Fluency in English and French (spoken and written)
  • Masters or Doctorate degree with 3 to 7 years experience
  • Engineering or technical license
  • Project Management knowledge / experience
  • Casting process expertise (Sand Casting, Investment Casting)
  • Skilled with CATIA, Polyworks and GOM Inspect
What we offer
  • Long-term deferred compensation programs
  • Daycare for young children
  • Advancement programs to enhance education skills
  • Flexible work schedules
  • Leadership and training programs
  • Comprehensive benefits, savings, and pension plans
  • Financial support for parental leave
  • Reward programs for outstanding work
Diversity and inclusion

The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law.

RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class.

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Job Detail

  • Job Id
  • Industry
    Not mentioned
  • Total Positions
  • Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Salary:
    Not mentioned
  • Employment Status
  • Job Location
    Canada, Canada
  • Education
    Not mentioned